From the We Don't Edit Much Dept.: According to EaterLa ahi tuna does not come from the sea (but tater tots do)

"The bill of fare boasts a shrimp roll, lobster-topped salads, tater tots (with Old Bay seasoning), of course, plus an ahi tuna bowl if sea critters aren’t to your taste. "

I think @matthewkang means “sea critters” = crustaceans, but he can weigh in if he chooses.

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I always figured critters meant something with legs :wink:

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noun NORTH AMERICAN informal dialect
a living creature; an animal.
a person of a particular kind.
“the old critter used to live in a shack”

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Snakes are definitely critters.

Aren’t snakes creepy crawly critters?

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Look up quibbling while you’re at it.