FTC Buyout #2

When FU is more of a surname than anything else lolol… #iFUknowuknow


Mei Lin is another chef that came to mind who makes delicious elevated cuisine but currently has no restaurant where she does that. Is there space in Daybird to seat 15-20? Is there even a kitchen to cook for that many people?


Standing counter wall at Daybird. Would be cramped as hell though


Chef Mei does cater, but I’m hearing that her private cheffing gigs have been for the likes of Oprah.

I don’t think Daybird is enough space to do anything complicated.


We might need a B after our net worth for it :rofl:

If you all wanna go high roller there’s always Shoku at $1125


I’m over here with a broken net worth. But don’t worry. I would still organize this buyout even if I wasn’t there :rofl:

Edit: I’m reviewing the convos and let me report back because I’m so behind


sounds like unverified max is willing to open up the oxalis palace again. can max cook? @Clayfu make it happen


I am down for any of the options, only done kaneyoshi and shunji, but down to repeat.

Okay everyone

I was texting with Jon at Kato today and he asked about the banquet dinner he did for us awhile back and if I really thought people would be interested.

I told him - yes. 100%. I know a group of people that would 100% be interested. So @rohto you have your wish.

He said ok - tentatively june he should be ready to host a group for it. He wants to source the proper vintage plateware etc.

If ya’ll are in I will tell him. It’ll be more than the regular menu since he’s using an outrageous amount of seafood, pricing TBD

For those curious - here are pictures and a link to my review previously.


was talking to Ryan this weekend and they want to add a banquet menu.


yep yep.

I’d be down (and a +1), but it depends on the date in June (assuming I’m in town)…


If it does not interfere with some travel we’re doing in the middle half of June, I am seriously interested. +1 depending on the amount of shellfish on the menu.

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Hell yeah!! Thanks @Clayfu

Since it’s banquet style chinese - prob half the menu will have shellfish

I’m still in, so long as schedules align.

I’m in yes for this depending on date tho because of trips but otherwise yes! Thx @clayfu

Still in for the @Clayfu version but just myself.

Id be down for Kato as (1)