Goodbye everyone

I’m not seeing the ignore button when I click on an avatar.

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Click on the avatar and then click through to the full profile:

Click on the grey box that says “Normal”:

Click on the “Muted” or “Ignored” option; for the latter, select the timeframe and you should be good to go:

(Note this was only done as an example and I am not muting or ignoring @CiaoBob.)


Thank you so much! Wow, was that non-intuitive.


You’re welcome! (And I agree with it not being the most logical approach.)

I don’t think the Discourse designers want it to be easy.

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And… He’s back! (I finished Tiger King a while ago so this is providing some wacky entertainment!)

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While I disagree with the “most journalists” part of this, I do agree that some news outlets have a bleedover between news and opinion. CNN and Fox (and others) do include some editorializing in their pieces. The same is true for many orgs that are mostly broadcast-based: they’re in such a hurry to get information out that they’ve not the time for strict oversight, it seems, to remove those aspects.

The solution? Don’t rely on those outlets for your news.

The AP and Reuters both offer solid, middle-of-the-road, fact-based information (websites and apps).

The same is true for the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Los Angeles Times - all are good (though not perfect) about keeping the line between news and opinion/editorializing well-demarcated.

If you want information about the virus, then Johns Hopkins is the most solid resource, as is the CDC. Closer to home, the Los Angeles Department of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.

It is incumbent on each of us to rely on factual information and make decisions based on the reality of the situation.


2000% on everything you wrote. I even found accurate info from a USA Today piece. But it linked to solid, reputable sources. I’m turning in a royal PITA fact checker :slight_smile:

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Not to get too far into this OT discussion, but just had to point out that the NYT and Washington Post are both heavily left leaning outlets. You can add the HuffPo to that as well.

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They are left of center, but also fact-based. That’s also why I included the WSJ, which is right of center.

I’m relying more on the AP and Reuters for news.

Perfect point. I frequently google “is xxx reliable” and I frequently am directed here:

There’s site that WAY left…and I’M WAY left but hopefully not wacko. I read them sometimes but rarely share the info.

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Does not compute

edited to be on topic: I hope ipse dixit comes back!!!

I am so glad we’re having this discussion in FTC-LA

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I’ve decided I will post only to the Home Cooking section until the restaurant ban is lifted. I’m too worked up and upset.

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He says as he adds his own 2 cents to the “drama”. :wink:


This drama is so benign for a message board. I for one welcome the discussion and entertainment this thread brings.

Hope everyone stays safe and well out there.


This is true. It’s pretty free.

I was out of the loop on that thread for a bit and didn’t see why it had to be closed… until I read the bickering and repetitiveness from a couple posters on both sides of the argument. Like @Gr8pimpin said, I was able to ignore it, but can see why some were totally distracted and irritated.


I know. There are 100s of threads to enjoy on this board. If you want to discuss food go do it. No need to stay on this thread complaining that we’re not discussing food. :slightly_smiling_face: