Korean-Sichuan in KTown!!
a friend just jokingly recommended that. has anyone here been yet?
Well, as always, taste is subjective, but I’ve always enjoyed the Sichuan dishes there (of course, we’re well aware of your feelings about Sichuan food )
Granted, I thought it kind of bland. So, who has a good version in the SGV? Or are there any?
Without doing a search, I believe it was CiaoBob here that tried out various items at Chuan’s. Maybe he (or others) can chime in. He and, IIRC, one other FTCer liked some of the dishes, while others here kind of gave it mixed reviews at best, to weak on some items. Several weren’t impressed with the quality to price ratio. So, some here liked, some here didn’t. I know, that’s real helpful as well as a real surprise
For what it’s worth, I tried Mian today and didn’t like it. I got the cold Sichuan noodles. The sauce is basically the same as the sauce that comes on the mung bean jelly noodles at Chengdu Taste. I just don’t like that sauce; I find it bitter and unpleasant – probably due to the abundance of Sichuan peppercorns. I also didn’t think the homemade noodles were special; they had no texture and a bland taste. I strongly prefer the homemade noodles at Xian and Shaanxi Gourmet (and, for that matter, at Peking Tavern in DTLA).
I don’t recall there being much written about Mian her over the past year. Early reports were positive, but there were some negative reports or possibly a downhill report later.
Was just there.
Still a fan.
Sad that they got rid of the Sichuan Mask/Opera show.
Food is still very, very good - if a bit pricier than others - and they have booze and allow carry ins (I cannot fully enjoy Ma La without beer).
Don’t forget to get Boba!
for complicated family reasons we don’t need to get into here, our christmas day plans will not be clear till a day or two before. what’s at the intersection of “a place in the sgv worth eating at” and “not impossible to get a table for 4-6 at around noon if we call on the 23rd”?
the last time we tried to eat in the sgv on christmas day without a reservation we barely got into chang’s garden by the skin of our teeth. would rather not play roulette again.
Not sure any place would require much less take a reservation for the 25th, or any day. Even Chinese New Years.
Chang’s is great, incredibly popular and SMALL.
Hence your problem.
I don’t think the majority of the places in SGV have that problem. Sure, Chengdu taste has a line, but few places I know require a game of Russian Roulette.
What day of the week was Christmas day on that year? That can make a difference. If it was Friday or Saturday, it will be the usual Friday-Saturday crowds.
Otherwise, as I once hear (date changed to reflect year): “Do you know what Christmas is in the SGV? This year, it’s Monday.”
everybody but us and a couple of other tables had reservations at Chang’s Garden on that occasion. The hostess almost turned us away because we didn’t have one and finally gave us two adjoining tables with a promise we wouldn’t linger. i have a vague memory of being told on the chowhound la forum back in the day that i should not have been surprised.
- it was a thursday. and every place we drove past was slammed. the line at sea harbour–which was our utopian first choice–was twice as long as on regular weekends.
what about this place?
Ok, thanks. Well, it is a day off of work for many folks in the SGV too. I’ve been there on some Christmas days that were busy, but not ridiculous, and been there on others where it was almost like CNY.
Best success at Sea Harbour is achieved by queuing up about 15-25 minutes just before they open for business.
May try that on the Saturday before Christmas. But it’s a hassle getting three generations out of the house on time.
IMHO it’s even worse to have 3 generations wait endlessly with hungry bellies.
Indeed, but if only that knowledge made it easier to get them there on time. Maybe I’ll try to add on some nieces and/or cousins and see if Sea Harbour will do the reservations for a party of 8 thing.