Interesting List of New Restaurants (link) Oct '16

You should know by now that’s just how I roll… :sushi:

About Cape Seafood:

"Next door to Commissary and its hoards of struggling actors/writers/have-you-seen-my-webseries comedians is this part deli, "

This made me chuckle as someone who has spent a lot of time at the Commissary. I don’t know what their definition of “struggling” is, but it’s hard to imagine the people there fit the definition. They aren’t struggling financially for sure, a lot of celebrities come in, several are regulars, and virtually everyone there is a well-paid working professional in the entertainment industry.

I guess maybe anyone that doesn’t own their own major studio or weird Brad Pitt levels of fame is “struggling” though.

Laughed out loud at this. The way LA gets romanticized sometimes is just hilarious.

Hi, @paranoidgarliclover! Yes, I’ve been lurking around mostly. I have been eating well, thanks for asking. :yum: I’ll probably start posting again eventually. Haha.