Kartoffelacker at Die Sechste - KaDeWe (Berlin)

Consider the humble potato… Well, the nice people at Kartoffelacker, located on the decadent sixth-floor food court of Berlin’s mega-store Kaufhaus des Westens (abbreviated KaDeWe) must represent the academic faculty in this department! Potatoes shine as the main star here.

My potato underwent precision knifework (superbly bite-friendly pieces), then was expertly sauteed with onion and speck. Caramelized onion, bacon, and potatoes - So simple and yet so grand. This was accompanied by pickles, shredded carrot, and the most delightfully soft country omelette, adorned with North Sea shrimp and chives… Huge bite!!!

(Bitburger on draft refreshed me quite well on that hot humid summer day…)


love just about all kaufhaus cooked foods!!

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Nice ! Any other restaurant visits planned in Berlin ?

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Hopefully after the jetlag subsides (lol), I will have time to post my other meals in Berlin.