Looking for recs in Santa Cruz


First, my apologies if Santa Cruz is not considered to be in the SF Bay Area - I’ll also be posting in the “other parts of California” forum, so also apologies for cross-posting.

My SO and I are staying a few days in Santa Cruz - we already saw the suggestion about the Mongolian dumpling place, so that’s on our list. We’re looking for any other recs, particularly for seafood and clam chowder that are not tourist rip-off places.

Thanks so much in advance. As always, FTC folks are the best!


I can’t vouch for the rest of their food but rosie mccann’s has very good new england clam chowder and took 1st place in last year’s santa cruz clam chowder cook-off.

Please see Looking for recs in Santa Cruz area

Santa Cruz is not in the SF Bay Area (Santa Cruz County has no SF Bay shorline).