Hello to the five people who read the Colorado thread. I have not had any fantastic meals to write about. Or i have just forgotten. Really enjoying all the great brunches around here. Anyway I am not a big beer drinker just not my thing. Have a friend coming to town and he is really into beer. He lives in Pittsburg so they have a lot of great beer as well. Any breweries that are a must go to. I for sure want to go to Avery out in Boulder I like their beer quite a bit. Let me know! Thanks.
In Denver, my favorite was Great Divide Brewery. I also liked Denver Beer Company when I visited.
Here’s a good guide from 5280 mag that may help steer your ship: http://www.5280.com/magazine/2013/02/ultimate-guide-craft-brewing-denver?page=full
Avery is great. It’s a mecca for beer. I don’t even like beer but they have these sour beers that they brew and age like wine. If you’re in Boulder there are some other small breweries like Upslope which has a tasting room and Twisted Pine, where they have a limited menu and some music at certain times. There two other breweries that are more restaurants. One is called Fate Brewery and other is Post Brewing in Lafayette. Both are more restaurants but they both brew good beer. Several other notables- Finkel and Garf, Gravity, Odd13, Left Hand, Oskar Blues come to mind. In Boulder fashion you can take your bike and visit a bunch of breweries. http://boulderaletrail.org/
BTW, so glad to be one of the five. In CH fashion we can continue the slow and most unpopular region/state. After being in the SF then LA for 10 yrs, it’s a tough pill to swallow, but getting used to it.
Thanks for the reply. I am not a huge beer person but I really enjoy avery white rascal a lot. Usually my go to beer when I am out. I appreciate the suggestions. Will try to hit a few when we make it up to Boulder in a couple weeks. Yes to your other response. I am from LA so this board is a struggle compared to the LA one. But it does the job. Maybe eventually as the city grows we can get some other foodies on here.
yeah, when I first moved here and jumped on CH from the LA board it was crickets. There was one guy named Dan and another guy who hated LA and told me to go back to CA. So much for that board!!
Hola, @trolley - I gather you reside in CO then? I’m in LA but have family in Colorado, so I’m back from time to time. Still try to keep up with the Denver food happenings somewhat.
I’ll be back in the next couple of months, so wondering if you’ve had any great meals lately? My main place that I want to go each time I’m back is Z Cuisine. Partly because I know the owners, but I think it’s also a great food destination. Curious to hear if you have any other thoughts though!
Havent been to the brewery yet, but really enjoy the German style beers from Prost. Wish they exported out of state.