New Smoker - Now What?

I trimmed the 17 lb. monster this morning. I prepped a mixture of hot sauce and Eduard Fallot tarragon Dijon mustard. Gave it a coat and then a coating of salt & pepper.
It hung out in the 220 smoker until it reached 165. I took it out and wrapped it in foil and increased the smoker temp to 275. I pulled it off to rest once it hit 210. And then it rested for 3 hours…it would have been longer but we were hungry.
It was the BEST brisket that’s ever come out of our smoker! We devoured about a third of it and have the rest for sandwiches, nachos, and burritos for the week.
I’d like to try getting the peach paper to wrap next time.


Awesome! How many hours was it in the smoker?

I think it was about 8 hours.

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Wow, I’m glad it went well, I had no doubt you would make a good product! Any pics?

That should be enough to keep @TheCookie away :joy:

Yay! Sounds fantastic


The best mustard I have ever had. The creamy texture with just the right amount of tang. Maybe there is better but I loved that one . Not available where I live now in the stores.

What was amazing was that it giggled like jello when we unwrapped it after it rested.


Looks amazing. I might be peer pressured to smoke one this weekend

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Go grab one from Amboy. It was CAB Prime…$80 for 17 glorious lbs. of meat. That pricing is spectacular.


that looks so good! damn, makes me want to go through the hassle of trimming to make this.(i hate trimming)

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I’m not a big fan of trimming, either. I don’t think I’m that good at it.

That’s a fantastic price

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While I was there, Chef Cailan shared that local pit masters are starting to source their proteins through Amboy now.


Nice work! As I’m sure you know, jiggling is a good sign when it comes to brisket. It looks stellar.


I actually enjoy trimming so much. A sharp knife makes it quite fun!

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