Paris with a Toddler

Hi all,

We’re looking for some newish restaurants recs for eating in Paris with a toddler. He’s very capable of sitting through a 2 hour meal (and we’ll have a seat for him that hooks onto the table, so no high chairs are needed). Bistros and 3 course prix fixe is fine, but obviously no tasting menus. We’ve already booked Parcelles.

Pre-baby/covid we used to go to Paris twice a year to eat, and some things we’ve enjoyed in the past that would be appropriate for him include:

Tomy and Co
Arnaud Nicolas
Gare au Gorille
Le Comptoir
L’Assiette (14th)

What’s new and great that we should check out?

Thank you!

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Enfants du marche casual marketplace setting get there early gets busy. Had some of the best bites there loved the food more than some of the Michelin starred restaurants we visited

Restaurant willete cafe- grand boulevards casual cafe restaurant tight menu great cooking all locals

Urfa durum casual place for fresh baked flat bread and kurdish kebabs

Aux crus de bourgogne- new school old school bistro that does classic dishes such as steak frites but with a modern vibe. We had a great lunch there.

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