Pizza - recipes, equipment, tips & techniques

Oh, that must have been common on Chowhound. Red Pepper Flakes.

What are “plays” in the TikTok context?

The number of times the video is played. In media analytic terms, it’s called video views.
These videos often have very click baity titles to drive up the views. Then they have a crazy or ‘stupid’ recipe which people react to or comment and that drives up their engagement score.

Tik Tok/Youtube/Facebook, these metrics help them clear audience numbers and metrics for advertisers and so videos like this also get pushed to you if you have shown interest in food content in the past. This video is actually tame vs. what gets regularly posted over on the Stupid Food subreddit. Yee gads…


Ah, I thought initially it was “Plays” (specific meaning), not “plays” (pushing the play button). :slight_smile: Thanks for explaining.

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“homemade pizza sauce”

Cherry tomato pie done neopolitan style thin and with the fire on the whole time

Pepperoni and peppers did some par baking first since it was a thicker crust, add toppings baked without heat again and then finally turned the pizza oven on low heat


Deep dish cheese from scratch.

1lb full fat low moisture mozzarella (Galbani)
8oz non-smoked provolone

28oz cento San marazanos with Garlic powder, basil, oregano, parsley, salt, marjoram,

It’s official: I make the best deep dish in Sacramento.


That looks incredible. But I have a Sacto friend who’s one helluva a cook :slight_smile:

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did chatGPT write this?