Rec for restaurant in North Beach

Preferably , Italian . 5 adults . Around 3:30 pm . Dinner menu ok if also available . Cost n/a . Not looking for pizza place . Weekend , Saturday . All types of Italian regional cuisine welcome . My job is to pick the restaurant for the group . We are all meeting in this area and don’t want to be caravanning all over the city . Thanks.

Though I have my eye on Cotogna and Sotto Mare .


Cotogna’s great but not in North Beach proper.

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Something is wrong here. Word wrapping or pagination or something.

I deleted the pasted random stuff.

Thanks Robert . Sometimes I mess stuff up pretty good on the computer . It’s a toss up between Cotogna or Baonecci . Looks like it’s going to be lunch . I’ll have to check if Cotogna serves lunch on Saturday . Baonecci opens @ 12:00 . Thanks again .

Cotogna is open for lunch on Saturday.

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Baonecci’s pizza can be very good. I’ve not been too impressed by their salads. What else is good there?

I have never been there . Right now it’s a toss up between Cotogna and Baonecci . I have never been to neither . Which one would you choose for lunch ?

Cotogna’s more consistently awesome across the board. With Incanto gone, it’s my favorite Cal-Italian place in SF.

I mentioned Baonecci because it’s in North Beach proper and open at 3:30 on Saturdays (though they’re open only for dinner every other day).

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