Sourdough Chronicles

Sausage and carm. Onions

Leftover veal and lamb pasta ragu spiced up


Damnit, I am saving for a new computer.


Those look fantastic…


I sorry

Those look amazeballs I’m going to pizzeria nemroz for dinner.


we’ve reached temperatures that i cant just let dough or starter proof at room temp or outside. this works.

heat rice bag in microwave, place starter in (non-running) microwave with hot rice bag?

Yes! this microwave fits my proofing bowl as well. If i’m doing more than 2 breads i’ll use my cooler with heat mat setup.

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Had a difficult time proofing. Definitely going back to the cooler setup. Focaccia turned out great though


So I don’t know what happened. Suddenly my starter turned vinegar. I didn’t neglect it any longer than usual (about a week at most). It’s normally able to recover no problem but i’ve never had it smell like vinegar. So, what causes this? Did I get some unfavorable microbes in there somehow? Do I start over or will this resolve with feedings?

I’ve had my starter go through a variety of smells, ranging from beer-y to smelling exactly like acetone (nail polish remover). If I’ve neglected it for entirely too long (I went 3+ weeks once. It was in the fridge, but still) then I’ll feed it for 2 or 3 discard cycles before stashing it back in the fridge.

At worst, mix a new batch of 50/50 flour/water, add a dollop of your starter, and give it two hours in a warm place to see what happens. If it’s bubbling like a starter should, you’re probably fine.

My starter also goes through a range of odors, although it’s usually the same range of odors.

Or maybe just different, instead of unfavorable, microbes. Agree w/ @lectroid to give it a feed. Although I’d probably give it 2-3 feeding cycles b/f deciding what to do w/ it.

Maybe @ebethsdad and @aaqjr also have some ideas?

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you definitely don’t want it to be vinegar smelling… it wont function as a proper starter. definitely going through days of room temp feedings now. … but i did freeze some off last time we had an “accident” so i have some insurance

Oh, good.

Do you mean you have already been re-feeding it for a few days now? Or that you will do the re-feeding for a couple of days?

I think you can fix it by just feeding it for three days. If it is still too sour and too active Nancy Silverton suggests feeding it with cooler water in the mix. I don’t think you will ever have to start over unless it is dead. Seems like it just got too active and too sour.

i’m now on day 3 of daily refeeding. i’ll start over by friday if it’s still smelling at all vinegary.

speaking of neglect and insurance: I’ve never gotten around to drying/freezing my starter in case of tragedy. What’s your process? And have you ever used it to successfully grow new starter?

i haven’t yet. but you just smear a thin layer on parchment or plastic wrap and when it’s completely dry you freeze it.

Has the starter been growing normally?

i think so… i haven’t watched it… so it collapses by the time i get back to it… but i just fed it again and shall report back at 5

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it seems ok! rose pretty nicely… good bubbles… still stinky though… feeding again now.