Hello, planning for Tokyo & Kyoto had me kind of ignore Osaka and I just started working on it. I’m there for a week and would appreciate any help filling in gaps! The priority is to try stuff that Osaka does well.
The 2 places I have reservations at are Sushi Sanshin & Yakitori Ichimatsu.
In addition, I’m considering the following:
- Horumon: Nama Horumon Dokoro Osamuchan. I have a bunch of Yakiniku places planned so I’m primarily looking at this for the Horumon. Don’t know if I can get reservations or if there are other places that I should consider.
- Okonomiyaki: Hirokazuya & Jibundoki (apparently this requires reservations)
- Unagi: Unagiya & Yoshitora. This is to compare it with Unagi in Tokyo.
- Oden: Hanakujira
- Fugu (Tecchiri?): Ajihei. Is this worth it? The fugu I’ve had in NYC was good but I don’t think I liked it enough to make an entire meal out of it. Not sure if it’ll be different there.
- Hakozushi: Takotake & Yoshino
- Whale: Doozono. Not sure if this is worth it.
- I wanted to do Wayōshusai Hide but I don’t think I’ll get reservations now.
- Curry: Columbia 8, Botani & Kyuuyamutei
- Takoyaki: Any suggestions?
- Iyaki: Not sure if/where
Any other specific restaurants that I should consider?
And, if I’ve missed dishes that Osaka specializes in, please let me know! Thank you!