Summer / Fall / Winter / Spring fruit

Right on!! Yep, Sprouts.

They were… meh. Not sweet, sour, maybe I just got a not so good bunch?

The Moondrops will be out soon to wash away the bad taste these Teardrops left in my mouth lol


There have been a bunch of thomcords at the farmers market over the last few weeks if you don’t want to wait.


Moondrops have arrived (at Burbank Whole Foods) and they are delicious.


Yeah I had them a few weeks ago from Ralphs. It’s strange, there are very few available anywhere. Ralph’s had five bags that one day I got them and I have not seen them since. At ANY store, except for Sprouts. Very strange season.

I’m going to check my local Whole Foods. Thanks for the tip. They are absolutely my favorite fruit now.

Sam’s Club had Sweet Sapphires in the mid/late summer months, but haven’t carried them in about a month now :man_shrugging:

Not sure what the season is like this year.

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Tennerelli seems to be winding down for this year but try their plums and plum hybrids (pluots, pluerries) if you see them.

Although tasty at purchase they do improve with a little ripening time.


Saw these at Chino Hills 99 Ranch

And Cravings at 99 Ranch in Chino


Not from the FM, but Bristol Farms had some “empress plums” (or something like that), which I found quite tasty. Skin was quite tart, but the flesh was sweet enough (a bit mushy, but I don’t like a particularly crisp plum).

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Bristol and Gelsons both stock some good fruit… I usually end up buying some ludicrously priced Frog Hollow apricots each year.


just got cherries at costco. pretty good! $9.99.


Moon Drops aka Sweet Sapphire are (like grapes in general) reportedly in season in late summer and fall.