Texas Sweeties 🍊

Anyone know where one could find these delicious oranges? Asking for a friend :joy:

Google doesn’t seem to know what those are.

I think if you are referring to tangerine varietals, the marketing name might be cuties in California because sweeties are the alternate name to oro blanco which is a citrus developed at UC Riverside’s citrus station.

Are you maybe thinking of Winter Sweetz?

CUTIES® is a registered trademark for Clementine and W. Murcott mandarins grown by Sun Pacific in the San Joaquin Valley.

Here’s the box. Contacting Lone Star Citrus :tangerine:.

It appears they abandoned the Texas Sweetie trademark.

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Great research! Thanks, Wes!

There’s no reference to it on their website, either. Where did you find them?

My friend said she found them from a “fruit seller” in the SGV. They are delicious. Lower acidity, bright, very sweet.

Sort of the Rio Red grapefruit, but an orange.

Will call Lone Star. Thanks!

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