Upcoming KCBS BBQ Judging class

Did you ever have the fantasy of eating as much BBQ as you can handle? Well now you can make your dreams come true. Kansas City Barbeque Society is holding a workshop for becoming a Certified KCBS Judge in Riverside. The completion of which means you can participate in KCBS contests throughout the USA as a certified BBQ judge. During the contests, there are usually 5-6 categories and you must judge 6 samples for each. The contests can be really fun, but be warned there is a thing known as too much meat. The info on the website is incomplete but it does have an email address for questions & to sign up. There is a fee for the class, However, it’s not mentioned on the page



Thanks! I have some friends who are going to look into this because of your post.


Damn! Riverside class full.

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There’s one in Norco on something like June 4th. Browse the site and you’ll find it.

That is, if you’re lucky enough to be chosen to judge a competition, especially locally. The judging spots go VERY fast.