Warrior vs. Langer's: threat or menace

You consistently use this word as if there is such a thing. The examples you site work sometimes i.e. “gritty defrosted whitefish” but the others are pretty darn classist or are without substance i.e. “cheap convenience store condiments” “factory cheese.”

Some people dont have access to anything better than convenience store condiments, canned black olives and factory cheese. Some people do amazing things with their limited resources. Don’t get me wrong this is not me saying that a restaurant like Langer’s cant do better with its ingredient choices. It can. What I am saying is the criticisms you are lobbing that have to do with class are absolutely not objective.

A lot of your writing on this forum feels like it is punching down. Just because some tire-shilling gatekeeper gives a cassoulet or a pastrami sandwich a gold star never forget that a lot of the food that you seem to value came out of poverty. Next time you shove a taco in your face or eat some salami use that as a reminder of the level of possibility and deliciousness that exists in the spaces you talk about so pejoratively.

To quote Kendrick “even a small lighter can burn a bridge.” Please stop acting like there is anything objective about what you are saying. It’s killing the vibe.