Say what?
Good reading.
The corned beef might be even better than the pastrami.
bottom line is: deli = meat.
anything else is stuff they also have. some may be good, some not so much.
I, for one, appreciate your contributions to the board, Peony - yours and Warrior’s.
I’m not sure that your posts are causing anger and discomfort (in general) so much as provoking thought/assessment, though because we’re all working through this medium tone and intent aren’t always easy to determine (especially for posters who are relatively new arrivals and aren’t familiar with individual posters’ idiosyncrasies).
I’d miss your contributions and what I learn from them.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Delivery chronicle
Agreed. @PeonyWarrior, you post original content with pictures from a lot of restaurants that are rarely or never mentioned. That is what I come to FTC for: to expand my food knowledge and learn of delicious restaurants around this sprawling city.
I think your recent comment that your reviews are for the food that you ate–not the restaurant as whole–was a good and necessary clarification.
I think you should have kept this in mind before calling Langer’s “Americana trash”, but that’s ok. It led to a fruitful discussion of what should be considered when judging a restaurant and I do not think that it caused any real-world harm.
Yes, but if we don’t eat meat how will we know what non-meat items are edible if no one is allowed to comment regarding those items? Or are you suggesting that if we don’t eat meat, we are not allowed to set foot in a meat-centric restaurant?
Seems silly to me. As a non-meat eater, I find myself eating quite happily at meat-centric Chi Spacca. While it might be unfair to compare a restaurant of Chi Spacca’s quality to a non fine dining restaurant, I actually find the salads at one of my favorite fast food places (Green Olive in West L.A.) tasty. Are they Chi Spacca quality salads? Well, no, but I always happily eat them (the tasty dressing probably helps quite a bit, but the produce is also surprisingly fresh for a fast food place). So if the salad sucks at Langers, I for one agree with @PeonyWarrior that if it is on the menu, it’s fair game for review.
Damn!! Now I’m craving Langer’s pastrami on Sizzler’s cheese toast.
By the way, I honestly could not give a shit if someone’s opinion of a dish or restaurant differs from my own. Who the fuck cares?
If everybody only liked the same pizza and bagel joints that I like, the other ones would have no reason to be in business.
Langers sucking is @PeonyWarrior ’s reality, not mine. And that’s totally cool.
I don’t think anyone (or at least most people) are saying a person should not review whatever they want at whatever restaurant they visit. Only that you shouldn’t say that the entire restaurant sucks because of one or two shitty items, especially when they don’t represent what the restaurant does best. It’s like people are intentionally misreading all of the comments!
This, 100%. Again, I like what @PeonyWarrior bring to this board, as I think most do @Omotesando. And I’m interested to hear what they think about specific dishes and restaurants in general. However, as I and many others noted, there was at times imo an overbroad, reductive assessment of specialist restaurants. That’s what many responded to. It was not the review of specific dishes.
Sure, I definitely agree. But that’s not what this thread was about. If someone told you they didn’t like a bagel place or pizza parlor without trying the bagels or the pizza, it might occasion some commentary, as many have noted! We can debate how comparable the specialization at a Jewish deli is to those types of places, but you get the analogy.
I want to reiterate that I (and I’d guess most) like what @PeonyWarrior bring, the specificity and information and energy. Also, I appreciate Warrior’s apology for tone, though I don’t think it was at all necessary, as they didn’t strike me as out of line, not to mention their opinions were being attacked. Essentially they were the ‘main character’ for a few days on here. That heat is never fun.
I genuinely hope they stay and keep contributing, but it is a public forum, and there are gonna be moments of disagreement.
I’m simply saying that delis specialize in meat offerings. They also have other items on the menu, those things may or may not be good or worth ordering. I have no opinion on non-meat eaters going to a deli/any other meat-centric restaurant or meat eaters going to a vegan restaurant.
Yes, it’s informative on a food discussion board for people to post their opinions of the food that they’ve tried at specific places. That’s why we are all here. But nobody should be surprised if the non-pastrami items at Langer’s aren’t as good as the pastrami.
But that’s pretty much what started the discussion in this thread. Saying the salad sucks is understandable, saying Langer’s sucks because of a salad dish is like didn’t enjoying a bagel shop without trying a bagel
And what perpetuated the discussion is the OP’s unwillingness to let it go, to purposely make multiple provocative comments across multiple posts, to feign total ignorance and then to state, in essence, that everything negative on the thread is everyone else’s fault and that no one should post a strongly-worded differing opinion b/c the OP wants the forum to be a complete vacuum and monologue when it’s convenient for them.
Some of us, of course, don’t play that game in real life or on the internet. Tough sh*t for the OP, I guess.
one of problems I feel from the posts of PW is that he is more interested/used to Yelp-like interactions where it is more about getting attention than having a discussion. Having a post just “announcing” that he thinks about perhaps not posting any longer tells a lot - pure attention seeking. If he doesn’t like the forum - great - just move on without being a drama queen. If he likes the forum - great - just post but don’t run around crying because not everyone agrees or expect a constant pat on your back how insightful you are
Ummm how did this comment end up in the threat or menace thread?
Yes, I was about to write that Omotesando has had this explained to them more than once and at this point is purposely being obtuse. I’m out.
One of my favorite examples of bad yelp reviews is where someone downgraded a sushi place because they hated the chicken teriyaki they had for dinner.
Sizzlerer = Sizzler harder.