What restaurants serve grass-fed beef?

Interesting. I find the flavor to be gamier than corn fed beef (though not actually gamy). I generally prefer it but understand why others don’t. At this point it may be hard to draw a bright line rule as to how one tastes as compared to the other given the variations in fed vs finished, pastured vs. confined, breeds of cattle, etc. that have popped up in recent years.

Whole Foods carries excellent American lamb which isn’t as gamey as the New Zealand stuff.
Epicurus has some fancy frozen lamb.

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I love gaminess tho!


Which one? Would be interested in trying it next time I’m in SF.

Long gone. So is the importer that was bringing in the beef.

Cows are herbivores and when fed corn diets, GMO or not but 90% is GMO, they get very sick. This is why they are injected with hormones and antibiotics, because they are sick. Corn fed cows are unhealthy and if you care about what you eat you’d want to eat healthy food. You ingest all the sickness from whatever you eat not to mention the antibiotics and hormones. Some people just don’t care either way. Doubt it’s a fad but more about eating for health rather than entertainment. Some people don’t read labels on food either. I don’t get it but it takes all kinds.

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Factory beef and the GMO corn they eat are environmental disasters, but finishing cows on grain is not inherently bad.


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