What's easier than grilling things over charcoal?

i’m not sure… we’ve been getting them in email… this was the 2nd time they sent 10$ off 20$ on seafood so it’s fun for things like scallops or tails

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K I’ll check my email thx for the tip it might be going straight to promotions or something.

It maybe just for newly opened stores

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My mom lives near the new Pasadena branch, and has been getting all sorts of $10 off $20 and $20 off $40 in the circulars and the mail. For the first month, they didn’t even collect the coupons. They just said keep using them until they expire. Last week’s meat coupon was in all the circulars at the front door, so I just got some every day.

The level of promotion seems too much, but the grocery business is hugely habit-driven, so maybe it’ll pay off.


Damn we don’t have one down here will wait for the coupons.

Try this link to sign up or click the image to get to the weekly ads for each store

I can never get there on the app so I always have to Google amazon fresh weekly ad to find the link.


A bunch of quails from the armo live quail spot in north valley . Meyer lemon helped a lot


To go back to the OP, we’ve been using our CI skillets on the cooktop instead of outside grilling. At times. Even beef steaks.


Cuban whole hog roast


Caja China?

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i guess so… it’s just a box. did the chinese invent this idea?

Don’t know much about it except it’s a Cuban thing. This site seems to have a bit of the history about it.

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The Caja China has the coals in a metal tray on top of the lid, so it’s a charcoal-powered infrared oven. This box looks like they put the coals inside, so it’s more like a smoker.


i grabbed some nice organic hearts from the OG Farmers market poultry guys




Oh, chicken hearts. I thought they were beef heart pieces.

Not over charcoal but beside it. Village fete → wild boar. Great fun but the meat not the caliber of your feasts upthread. Lots’a wine and comradery made the lean and overcooked morsels go down.


Oh, wow, I’d go to that party FIRST!!!

That’s really cool