What's easier than grilling things over charcoal?

It still blows my mind. Our “garbage” can is about the size of one of those cardboard file boxes. I recently found out that it’s ‘against the law’ to put food in the garbage, it has to go in the compost/yard waste container.

Yes we have a new law

I read this with great interest. I’d like to know the manufacture or vintage of the pans you have seen self-destruct. I an currently using cast iron skillets and Dutch ovens that are arguably 100 years old. They seem as sturdy and indestructible as the Rock of Gibraltar. Please elaborate and advise.

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I didn’t say self destruct, I said dropping them on the ground will lead to them breaking, specifically the handle. They are not indestructible.

That is my goto as well.

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Reunion with best friends from my Boston days.


neighbors had a Cuban pig roast last week. Really cool custom box


Caja Cina?

What does that mean? :slight_smile:

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Same design, but missing the logo. Charcoal-powered infrared oven.

theirs was huge… it was a full walk in. 6-7 foot long


Went to the desert to see Dave Alvin and Jimmie Dale Gilmore and took some stuff to do on the pit out there. Got in Friday before the show and and busted out the peruvian ceviche. I’d sliced the halibut and dropped it in the leche de tigre just before we hit the road. Halibut held up well for the six or seven hours before we ate. Sidenote: bought a 25 lbs block of ice at from the nice folks at USA Cold Storage in Ontario on the way out to keep things cool all weekend. Block ice is apparently not a thing in LA anymore.

Saturday afternoon we fired up the bbq. Had a nice big ribeye and a tri-tip with st. maria rub. Some terrible kielbasa from Ralph’s that got eaten regardless. Cooked on local scrub oak. A few veggies to round things out.

Did everything low and slow over wood coals - probably could have pulled both off a minute earlier but hit a nice medium/medium rare for the most part. Shout out to the watermelon mezcal shrub for cocktail hour.


Not sure what part of LA you are in, but North Hollywood Ice, https://northhollywoodice.com/, definitely has block ice.
Great pictures!

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a gas grill is simply an out door stove :wink:

I’ve had an obsession with yakitori for the last year. While grilling meat over “fire” is a very primal thing, I think yakitori is so refined and meticulous. I can’t get enough of it.

Also, saving $100-150 each dinner by buying a $15 Mary’s chicken compared to going out to a yakitori joint is a huge bonus!

My tare is roughly 9 months old now. Sake, mirin, soy, ginger, garlic, negi, chicken carcasses, and some shiitake for added umami. Literally great on everything!

Below are some of things I cook on “the bincho grill”. It’s basically a stainless steel konro with an insert so it’s very easy to clean and maintains good temps. I highly recommend getting one if you’re into it! Great construction and the owner/company is in LA. If you want more details message me privately (not affiliated, just really love his product!)

Duck breast below is with fennel seeds, fennel pollen, Szechuan peppercorns, and coriander.

That last skewer is all chicken skin :drooling_face:


Since we cook inside on induction I’ll have to disagree with you.

Amazon fresh keeps sending coupons so


Is Amazon fresh just in the regular Amazon app? Where do the coupons appear?