What's you one favorite joint to go, its not neccessarily the most expensive nor necessarily cheap nor convenient but it's the one when someone asks what's your favorite restaurant you respond with nary a moment's thought though it may change depending on

Hi Mark Ambrose,

Thanks for the compliments and the info. I’ll check out Del Rey Kitchen.

We recently tried Simpang Asia which is across from Indo Cafe’s old digs. It was tasty.

Via Veneto
Locanda Portofino
Dan Tana’s
Chaya Venice (sentimental reasons)
Malibu Farm
Chez Jay (also sentimental)

When someone wants to take me out to dinner, and asks where I want to go, those are my suggestions.

Gjelina. No question. I eat there 2-3 times a month, bring out of town guests there, recommend it (with a few caveats) to people looking for a great meal in Venice. Yes, it is very convenient to me, but mostly I just love the food. It fits with the way I like to eat.

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cookiemonster…are you a Gjusta fan too?

Definitely, @wienermobile. I don’t eat fish so the pleasures of all the smoked fish that people rave about are lost on me. But I love the breakfast sandwiches, brisket, salads, all the baked goods, and the prepared foods like the pickles, marinated vegetables, etc.

I’ve also cursed Gjusta from the day it opened because I work out at Gold’s gym every morning and the smell of baking bread and smoking meat at 7am can be torturous.