Any interest from the LA board in moving to HO?

[quote=“catholiver, post:88, topic:3497”]
Hey, buddy. That’s kinda harsh, don’t you think?
[/quote] LOL. I know. But it was kind of hilarious.

I do have to admit to getting a perverse little thrill when @linus would poke him.


Catholiver already corrected me above.

Another poster I’m not familiar with. LA?

[quote=“catholiver, post:93, topic:3497, full:true”]
Another poster I’m not familiar with. LA?
[/quote] Yes. linus is a crack-up.

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Okay, I just tried to find some of Porthos beautiful pictures of Providence and @linus’ funny comment for @catholiver. But he deleted the pictures. He’s not kidding. I’m kinda’ bummed :disappointed:.

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@robert rolling in his pile of $364…


OMG! That is so funny!

Now I’m confused. +$364 or -$364??? Doesn’t really matter but I don’t get it.

Net income/loss = revenue - expense

Revenue = no. of months x monthly ad revenue
Expense = no. of months x monthly pmt to google

= (9months x $60) - (9months x $100)
= $540 - 900
= -$360

Not sure why the revenue is $4 less at $536 but it’s close enough.


DUMB!!! I keep missing the “-”. :o

Please ignore my posts on the number itself. I guess I keep reading that and, partly due to the wording, just don’t see the minus.

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now those HO guys are gonna be like “See, those FTC hacks can’t even add/subtract”

(Hi HO guys ;))


Well, I’m on both boards, so that would be ME hacking ME! :roll_eyes:


a spy :fearful:


Dead presidents get no respect.

Leaving over the notion that I might cash in someday is just so far removed from reality … I have no idea why anyone would be angry that I insist that people own their own words and prefer to pay the price of a large pizza every month than spend hours on paperwork and meetings.


YAY!!! Well said, Robert.

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That’s not allowed here, but if no one flags the post …

I think the referee part was a joke. It’s the different personalities part that’s seems on point. :slightly_smiling_face:

for the record…I hate change. lol

edit. Shit this is an old post!!! are people still thinking of moving?

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