Kimchi Brands

If you can’t make it to any of the OG kimchi or banchan stores this is our favorite supermarket brand. It’s very good. Only drawback for some is that it’s not cut. The lid is green and it’s ~$25.


The cut version of this brand is available at the Westminster Costco Business Center for ~$10 the last time I was there. It’s a regular purchase.


Agreed on Jongga as best supermarket brand. Really balanced anchovy/pickly flavor. Fermentation is on the light side, but easily adjusted by leaving it out overnight. At korean markets you’ll find them also in smaller pouches, and in many varieties. “ponytail radish” is a nice one to try, both for the root and the greens.

But I tried a jar from costco, and it was just wrong. Hopefully just a bad batch, but I wonder if they’re shipping a different product there.

The case for the uncut kimchi is that the texture degrades faster after they’ve been cut. I’d probably eat a small pack fast enough not to worry, but for a big jar I like to cut as I go.


Oh Mama in La Mirada has mustard green kimchi.

Kimbap, pancake, and cinnamon drink.

Didn’t have a cooler with me to bring home the kimchi. If I lived in OC my fridge would be stocked with Oh Mama and Hansung.

Thanks @Dommy for the rec.

OC’ers @js76wisco @attran99


La Mirada is LA County but you know


Yes Oh Mama is great for ban chan and prepared foods. My mama would kill me if she knew how much I have spent there. If this place was closer I’d be here weekly. Very friendly folks running the place.


I guess I know where I’m having lunch this weekend…


Yay!! Glad you found it worth the detour. It’s such a gem and as mentioned the folks there are the sweetest. I am often in the biggest rush when I pop in and they see me coming. LOL!!! Brief but warm service. So appreciate it!!!


Don’t forget to grab some dduk on the way out. They have well portioned variety packs. I’m not sure if they make the dduk themselves but it’s very good and appreciate that you don’t have to buy the whole tray like at the Korean markets.