Boys night out

After all these great suggestions, you ended up at Tinga??? :scream:

That place couldn’t be further from what you were originally asking for.

I know :grin:. I almost didn’t post that. My kid (the vegetarian) decided to come and he only wanted to be out for an hour. He’s been studying his tail off and nobody has seen him. So we relented. It was 3pm on Labor Day and a lot of places were closed. But no worries. The guys will be back next month. So recs will come to good use!


Right by Odys & Penelope too… a Vegetarian paradise. What a tragedy =(

That fried rice looks SO good… ::sigh::

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We always treat. Me & 5 hungry dudes. No Odys & Penelope. We did take one of them to Jon & Vinny’s a few months ago.

Sorry for the delay in replying @TheCookie! Unfortunately, I’m not the best person to ask re Korean bbq. When we go out for it, we usually hit Park’s or Genwa where the price can add up quick. My uncle is a big fan of the place where they make fried rice out of your leftover meat and banchan at the end. I think it’s Dong Il Jang?

Two other thoughts for future reference when you have mixed company of meat eaters and vegetarians: Indian or Ethiopian.

Oh okay. My bad. Son’s friends wanted to go for BBQ their last day in L.A. We wanted local :slight_smile:. Bludso’s (not my favorite) was thankfully take-out only on Labor Day. So we thought KBBQ at someplace fun for 20 something guys. I might be wrong, but I thought you and I had a conversation about Platos & OB Bear (not KBBQ, but fun in K-town). So added you to my “help” list. Anyway, plans were scrapped when my studying son (vegetarian) decided to come out for an hour. Everybody was so thrilled that we scrapped KBBQ and just went someplace quick to be together.

Tinga’s service was bad and the the food wasn’t fresh. But we had fun together anyway. We’ll do something really fun in K-town when they come back.

Thanks everybody!

Okay… you guys were right. On certain days and certain times Quarters is ridiculously impossible to get into. The guys + more came back to L.A. They and my hubby went to Quarters last night and were told it would be a 2 hour wait. They ended up at another place in the square, “Ton something”. Men are so descriptive, so that’s about all the info I got. They must have had fun though… they got home at 2am :smirk:.

Still looking forward to Quarters :wink:.

Glug, Tronk and Bog came home at 2AM after a long night of hunting for brontosaurus burgers, wrestling with sabertooth cats and scaring mammoths with fake mice…

“Hey guys - looks like you had a great time. I bet you have some crazy stories to tell. Why don’t you tell me the highlights?!”


“Wow - men are so descriptive.”



Toe Bang Cafe

Toe Bang Cafe… let’s take a moment on that one🤔. Thanks ipse!

It’s a fun place, good food and lively atmosphere

Ahhh… right. You did suggest that.

sometimes you have to pat yourself to pat yourself on the back :wink:



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The name “Toe Bang Cafe” is pregnant with possibilities.


I beg to differ. Can’t get pregnant from a Toe Bang!

I’ll show myself out…


Should that be the advice I give my sons?


hahahah I thought you were the voice of maturity here! not going to Google that with out safe search on!