Great idea.

Underselling the Vaccine (Published 2021)
And what else you need to know today.
Great idea.
So you still are a spreader of the covid . Even though you are vaccinated ? I don’t know what to believe anymore. What do you think ?
This, too, is a variant of the classic FTC bangbang.
So you still are a spreader of the covid . Even though you are vaccinated ?
Hopefully not and odds are against it. It’d be one of the only vaccines to work that way, with the vaccinated person still being contagious. It’s a very difficult thing to prove definitively in trials though (need to do something called challenge trials where they intentionally infect people), and after a few months of population data on vaccinated cohorts, they might be able to infer some data.
This is a good read
And what else you need to know today.
FTC Bang Bang - Covid Edition.
classic FTC bangbang
Haha, as much as I am deeply in awe sometimes, I do not have the stomach for these classics. I will start calling my fridge “Bangbang” though in honor of those that do.
I will start calling my fridge “Bangbang” though.
That made me LOL.
LA County requiring vaccination or negative test starting in October for bars/nightclubs/wineries/breweries…but not restaurants
A new health order will require proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter indoor bars, wineries, breweries, nightclubs and lounges in Los Angeles County.
I’d be fine if the county did that sitting indoors at restaurants as well.
Warrior: I am fine showing a photo of my vaccination card, though I personally don’t care if fellow diners are vaccinated or have Covid.
have Covid
? - You prefer your dinner with a slice of breakthrough
You don’t care if they have Covid? Man I don’t even want them to have a cold.
L.A. don’t play.
Warrior: my view is that Covid is not going away, and I can’t hide from it forever, and it is better to be continually exposed to maintain strong immunity.
While I agree that Covid will be with us for a long time you might want to read on immunity, genetics etc. You are taking a significant bet on “surviving” delta without negative consequences (and we are not only talking about death) when you think that being regular exposed to the virus will only yield in better immunity (which has been shown many times to be much weaker than vaccination). An easier/much safer way is to avoid indoor activities for now and wait for updated vaccines and/or booster shots in the nearer future.
Eating indoors at restaurants seems like a negligible risk to me so long as everyone’s vaccinated and ventilation is decent.
Warrior: I understand your view. I’m willing to accept the risk post-vaccination. It’s been a year and a half. For me, it is time to move on. I won’t take any preventative measures that aren’t forced upon me. I guess the one thing we all can agree on is that everyone should be vaccinated.
If we can’t all agree that restaurants should require proof of vaccination to eat indoors, the people who disagree can stay outside.
I do sympathize with the sentiment here, as the ship has completely sailed on eradication. Covid will become/is becoming endemic, and I understand emotionally being done.
However, I also find this a bit binary and fatalistic, not dining indoors per se but in terms of exposure. Obviously everyone’s risk threshold, health history etc is different, but continual exposure is a recipe for individual and community illness, which your immune system will probably though not definitely handle. Vaccines are quite, quite effective, though not sterilizing (hopefully they hurry up on the intranasal), and as the Provincetown cluster showed, stress testing your vaccine is a risky way to ‘maintain it.’
While not Russian roulette, there’s much risk and morbidity between asymptomatic breakthrough infection on the low end and hospitalization/death. Growing up in the South, I know a number of people with breakthroughs and long covid. Some had colds. Others flu like symptoms. It’s no picnic, and losing your sense of smell and taste sucks. Family members with breakthroughs are still trying to regain five weeks later.
It’s like anything else… It’s situational. I know people who are still super carefully because they have elderly parents (Even with a Vaccine… a mild case can blow up). In our case… one of us getting tested weekly for work and a positive test would SUCK. Also I’ve had it… although it was THANKFULLY a mild case of an earlier strain (THANK GOD), I still lost my sense of smell and taste (smell isn’t back 100% after 9 months either) and would not want that to happen again. Thankfully the numbers are not as high right now in our area, hospitalization is down, but we continue to make choices that lessen chance of exposure with a few pops here and there. Plus, working from home has improved my desire to cook. Pick up at the store has saved me time and money. And this whole trauma has honestly made me want to rush back home whenever we are out naturally.