COVID-19 LA Discussion | Will you continue to order takeout or delivery as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads in LA?

I’m so sarcastic. I know.

I knew you were joking @catholiver thanks for the laughs.:smiley:

On another note, the OP asked a question and people are responding.

I hope we don’t start passing judgment on one another.


You are right…your opinion is annoying. We have several brilliant doctors on this board, and I think I trust them much more than Trump, Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer and Newsome. You, however, are welcome to trust politicians more than those who take the Hippocratic oath seriously. Good luck!


Grubhub on Friday announced it will temporarily forgo $100 million in commissions on the meals it delivers from independent restaurants as a way of helping those businesses contend with the coronavirus epidemic.


100 million in fees. And its just delivery. I never knew.


That’s just the commissions. They are charging fees to the consumers, too.

I think this is great. I know it’s good PR, but there are so many companies and people doing good things, banding together.


That would be fab. What artichokes? What email? :slightly_smiling_face:

Have any of the experts quoted on the numerous links posted on this thread given explicit directives to stay out of restaurants?




the brilliant doctors and statisticians i know in real life are all advising erring on the side of social distancing. i’m sure there are some real experts on ftc too but frankly we also have people who have lots of strong opinions, who speak the professional lingo but are not really people who know as much as they give the impression of doing. this is quite obvious when they talk about food as well but the stakes there are much lower.


anyway, i hope we all stay well and all manage to do our parts in containing this pandemic.

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has this guy been heard from recently? this video is from a week ago–he refers to 160 cases in the u.s. that number has gone up tenfold since then…

Our society constantly balances quality of life with health and safety risks. We don’t just do whatever actions minimize health and safety risks.

In my opinion, instructing everyone to stay home for a year, which inevitably will result in an economic depression (not to mention mental depression), for the primary purpose of extending the lifespan of elderly people is not a good policy choice.

I favor the lesser measures already being put in place (e.g., canceling large gatherings, telling people to wash their hands). And we need to find new places (certainly not hospitals) to care for very sick people with coronavirus.

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Folks, the world is crazy enough as it is, so let’s try not to contribute to it by attacking each other on here. We’re all going to have different opinions about how “best” to handle COVID-19, and, inevitably, some of those ideas are going to conflict rather strongly w/ other posters’ ideas. Let’s try to rise above the sniping, please. :slight_smile:



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Well, then, on a positive note - last night I made clam chowder for the first time. Shucked the clams myself.


Not explicitly, though the new-today public health order for Santa Clara County comes close. That’s the biggest hot spot in California, so it makes sense statistically to lower the threshold for public gatherings.

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I went food shopping this morning to stock up. I’m probably not a good person to be in charge of this.

Everybody should do what they feel is best for them and their family. The recommendation on social distancing is meant to protect the most vulnerable in our society. Many of the younger healthier people on the board should be fine but we all have to think bigger picture.

