Dish of the Month (DoTM) – JUNE 2016 – FRUITS

Currently Theodore Payne is not listing the strawberry as available. Its Latin name is Fragaria Chaval. What part of town do you live in? My landscaper has several more plants to get there and I can ask him to pick up some for you if it becomes available. I live in the East Valley so Sun Valley isn’t that much of a trek if I need to get them (besides I really want to see the place). I could pick some up for you and either drop them off or we could meet halfway at some great place for lunch or something like that - provided it becomes available. Otherwise its “Wait 'til next year!”. If so I will at least know how good the Chaval Beach are as opposed to the Russian ones.

La Maison du Pain on Pico Blvd, Mid-Wilshire. Had breakfast and bought sweets to go.

Pear & Apricot Tarts, Raspberry Linzer Cookies and mini Almond Tea Cake w/Raspberry filling.


Wow… That would be great. I live in the Miracle Mile near LACMA. It might be a trek for you. But we could meet someplace.

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OK. If the strawberries show up on the inventory again we can meet up. Otherwise I can take clippings after they settle in. Strawberries, at least wild ones, seem to be somewhat like mint or Bermuda grass - once they have rooted they spread like crazy. Not a bad thing in the case of wild strawberries.

Its not that bad. Its an excuse to get olives from the original Farmer’s Market (M. Marcel’s I believe has great olives) and have a burger at Nancy Silverton’s place there. Except for work I dread going over the hill, but to give you strawberries and to have a burger mollifies things.

[quote=“ebethsdad, post:44, topic:3447”]
Strawberries, at least wild ones, seem to be somewhat like mint or Bermuda grass - once they have rooted they spread like crazy.
[/quote] That explains why they were the only survivors (barely) in that overgrown jungle.

[quote=“ebethsdad, post:45, topic:3447”]
Farmer’s Market (M. Marcel’s I believe has great olives) and have a burger at Nancy Silverton’s place
[/quote] Short Order didn’t survive. But M. Marcel’s is very much alive.

Ahem. While the strawberry sub-thread has been very educational, it might be better as a separate thread, if there’s lot more to say about it.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I knew that was coming.

Good grief my friend. Are you going, or on us? I thought we were better than that (little plug for the search engines). As you wish…I will communicate privately with @TheCookie about wild strawberries from now on and will sulk and not post for some time. Going the @kevin route.

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My understanding is that, if I were going the CH route, I would moved the sub-thread already and then would’ve sent private messages to various posters threatening to ban them over something minor. And then I would’ve somehow found a way to make the entire thread unreadable by screwing up the formatting and then would’ve made the entire site unusable by getting rid of boards organized by geography.

I don’t think going off-topic normally is a big deal. But it IS taking up half of the thread.

You can sulk, if you wish. Or you could choose to do something productive and positive like starting a thread about it Home Cooking, where I’m sure lots of people would enjoy reading about it (and would probably find it more easily, if they didn’t know about FTC already and were using a search engine to learn about strawberries). I’d do it for you myself, but I don’t know how to do that.

If you choose to withhold, I’m sure the thread would be less enjoyable. But please realize that’s a “you” issue, not a “me” issue.

Did I really wake up this morning, make a nice cup of coffee and log onto FTC to see what’s new, and get this shit?

That was definitely off topic, four paragraphs of off topic. And not only could have, but should have been sent as a private message.

We got your point yesterday, and it was a good one, btw. @ebethsdad and I already started messaging each other. But, since you are tongue lashing and reprimanding for the whole board to see, by all means, let me jump right in.

By the way, strawberries are a fruit, an accessory fruit, to be exact. You buy one and pop it in your mouth. That is what we’re doing this month. Correct? Finding fruit and eating it. What does that have to do with home cooking? And if it does, so what. It’s to be expected with DoTM FRUIT. Because If I buy some fruit, post where I got, make something with it - like @hungryhungryhippos delightful ice cream - I’m going to post it right here. And I don’t want any shit about it. Unless of course I get suspended after this post.

Happy eating!

I’m not going to suspend anyone b/c, AFAIK, I’m not a moderator. And even if I were a moderator, I can’t imagine why I would ban anyone. ::shrug:: I’m just “in charge” of the DoTM. I have no other role here, other than as a “regular” poster.

I tried to re-direct the thread politely. You got it. ebethsdad did not, and in my opinion, was patronizing in trying to compare my polite moderation to the cyber-bullying that happened to kevin. Do you really both think that me putting a smiley face after asking that the communication btw you two be taken to another part of the board is really equivalent to what happened at CH? If so, then I really don’t know what to say to either one of you.

I’m not sure why you’re swearing at me. I don’t send things in private message generally b/c, IMHO, that was part of the problem at CH (that posters rec’d hateful messages from the powers that be at CH).

Other posters have in the past asked if they could post things in DoTM that they made at home, and we had previously said “no” we wanted to keep the focus on restaurants/cafes/things other people could order w/ relative ease.

People are posting homemade dishes now, and that’s fine, but I feel badly about the posters who might have felt turned off by our previous response.

Since posters are clearly unhappy with how I’m running DoTM, then I will stop after this month. The only reason I re-started it was b/c @nosh did such a great job before with it on CH, and I felt it would be nice to have something of the old board on here.


We need more of these: :smiley::joy::wink::laughing::yum::relaxed::slightly_smiling_face:


this is why we can’t have nice things.


And this is what happens when we pick a non-meat DOTM - we turn on humanity. :wink: = joking.


Totally could’ve been avoided had we just voted for cephalopods… :wink:

At any rate, my (on-topic) contribution to DoTM is the pear and fennel salad my partner made earlier this wk. I have a pic, but it’s not something that photographs well (and he would’ve preferred to have sliced the fennel more thinly). It’s combined w/ pepitas, sundried tomatos, sherry vinegar, and peanut oil. Not enough peanut flavor in the peanut oil, I’m afraid. He loves the salad; I liked it, but I personally thought it would’ve tasted better w/o the pears, IMHO!


@ebethsdad @TheCookie @paranoidgarliclover
You folks are some of my favorite posters here. Please tell me you guys are joking, or at least started out half-so.

If any one of you leaves or devolves from your current iterations, who is going to babysit me? My wife will be VERY upset at you guys if she has to fill in on the amount of time and attention that I would normally spend being entertained and informed by you folks.

Now do you guys want to have a group hug, or do you want to face the wrath of my Chinese Dragon Lady/Tiger Mom of a wife? Well, do you? BTW @TheCookie, my wife says, “Good one!” on that “head” remark last month - still think it was The Post of the Month. :smiley:


Sounds wonderful with or without pears. My knee-jerk reaction would have been pecans, but pumpkin seeds? Nice twist my garlicky friend.

If @ebethsdad’s post was meant in jest, then no hard feelings on my part. I would only suggest that he make the sarcasm much more obvious in the future to those (me) who take things quite literally (esp on the internet).

As for my post, there was nothing joking about it. I brought up what I think the CH mods would’ve done to illustrate that I don’t feel like I’ve done anything remotely similar to that and that I don’t think anything remotely similar is necessary or warranted (and that I don’t see anything in my initial post that would’ve implied otherwise). And to make it clear that I don’t think my initial request to re-direct the thread should be the cause for someone to go into a self-imposed exile since, truth be told, I don’t think it was even remotely hurtful or rude (although we all clearly have our own sensitivities).

Honestly, had @ebethsdad and @TheCookie cont’d their conversation, I wouldn’t have done anything other than refer to ipse (who might also not have done anything, either).

I can understand why people are hurt over what happened at CH, but I do think it’s time to let it go… This isn’t the same place, and the specter of paranoia is kind of a downer (how long until @kevin becomes a verb here? Did you get kevin’d by the mods?). We’re talking about a food board, not the Holocaust (no offense intended by the [purposely ridiculous] comparison). It may turn into the same place as CH 10 yrs from now (although I sort of doubt it), but it isn’t going to flip anytime soon (IMHO).

I’m fine moving on, and I appreciate your attempts at reconciliation… :smiley:

As for the salad, I think the pumpkin seeds were actually sort of non-entity. Pecans might’ve been better. The pears were too sweet (!), and, instead of enhancing the sour and vaguely spicy, it just clashed (IMO).

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