Dish of the Month (DoTM) – JUNE 2016 – FRUITS

I love you all. I’m not pouting and ignoring you guys. I just got really busy and haven’t read replies… but definitely will :smile:. Sorry about the swearing @paranoidgarliclover. This is what happens when you read stuff before caffeine and food. Hugs!


This. People who disagree with any moderation here like to evoke CH as a tactic to bully the moderator.

As we have shown over and over again, and as any internet forum has shown, some degree of moderation is necessary.

Those against any and all moderation are free to go start a no moderation site and see how long that no moderation policy lasts.

But let’s be honest, if you don’t like the moderation here, you certainly aren’t going to like it at HO or CH.

So the question becomes, when do you start blaming others and start looking at yourself?


i hear and obey.

it is. when I had my house, i got lots of great native plants and wild flowers there. if I remember correctly they have a good sale/open house once or twice a year (and the people there are great and really knowledgeable)

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Strawberry coulis with panna cotta and sapote with yuzu jelly at Mori


Maru-san’s use of sapote is delicious.

[quote=“paranoidgarliclover, post:53, topic:3447”]
I’m not going to suspend anyone b/c, AFAIK, I’m not a moderator.
[/quote] Yeah I know. I was talking about the moderators. I’m sure what it takes to get suspended from FTC. Yes, you are a regular poster and have taken on what can sometimes seem like a thankless job. Thank you!

I keep reading about this cyber bullying of kevin and “the powers that be” at CH. But I was not on CH or on FTC long enough to know what people are talking about, or use it as a threat. Not sure I really want to know at this point :slight_smile:

I promise to behave and stick to food… for a little while anyway :wink:

@bulavinaka - You’re a crack up. The babysitting thing is hilarious. Tell your wife not to worry. Hugs!

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Animal Farm


[quote=“TheCookie, post:67, topic:3447”]
I’m sure what it takes to get suspended from FTC.
[/quote] Meant: I’m not sure what it takes.

My fault for overreacting. I apologize.

Without passion, no Ferraris - AMC Pacers instead.
No Cinema Paradiso - Battlefield Earth instead.
No love for strawberries - Good n’ Fruity instead.
No Food Talk Central - Chowhound? Vomiting blood…


You’re the man!

Accepted. And I apologize for the catty response.

And now let’s get back to fruit (dishes)! :slight_smile:

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Quick note for the Harry’s Berries fans - they have a new strawberry variety this year called Viva Patricia. Not quite as sweet as the Gaviotas, and very very strawberry-y, for lack of a better term. I’m not as fond of the Seascapes, so I usually buy a mix of Gavs and Viva Patricia. I’ll also occasionally indulge in a box of Mara des Bois. Their intense, artificial strawberry candy flavor is kind of crazy. They’re also crazy expensive, and will turn mushy very quickly.


Thanks @cookiemonster. Viva Patricia sounds delightful. :slight_smile:

I’ve never seen them the last few weeks at Harry’s. Did it just debut this week?

I’ll give it a try next time. :slight_smile:


Hi @Chowseeker1999 - I buy my Harry’s Berries at the Friday morning Venice farmers’ market, and they’ve had the Viva Patricia for at least a few weeks now. Maybe Harry’s doesn’t bring them to all the markets, or they run out early?

Hi @cookiemonster,

Interesting. I usually go to Hollywood Farmers Market (or Santa Monica sometimes). Hollywood’s the biggest one, and they have a huge amount of pallets of their Strawberries. Yah, perhaps they ran out by Sunday. :slight_smile: I’ll ask them next time. Thanks.