Dish of the Month (DoTM) -- JUNE 2016 -- NOMINATIONS

Release the kraken!



It’s not you, poor thing. We’re being unruly. Example: I have now voted for 2 things. I can see where this is going, and will delete my Thai. Does squid count as tentacles?

In nominations I believe you can vote for as many as you like (as long as it’s in all caps).

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My vote:


:blush: :blush: :kissing_closed_eyes:

Is that… Fudgie the Whale?

Also, in honor of Wexler’s Santa Monica opening, I second the CURED FOODS- MEATS nom.


Had some great strawberries from a stall at the Mar Vista FM. Tons of wonderful produce now and more coming up in June. Is FRUIT or BERRIES too narrow? Is FM PRODUCE too broad/hard to do?

Oh shlit. I too had some great strawberries from a stall at the Mar Vista farmer’s market today! The one on the north end by the flowers?

Anyways, I’ll second FRUIT.

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So if we can do multiple nominations, in addition to my previous nom FROZEN DESSERTS, I am totally on board for FRUIT and/or CURED FOODS/MEATS. I’ll be back in L.A. for a few months starting mid-June and I’m looking forward to finally participating in DoTM.

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Was really busy today, but final noms coming later this evening…

I don’t know about Farmer’s Markets. But I don’t think fruit is too narrow. It’s the perfect season too. Think of all the great fruit desserts. After looking at @Novelli 's ice cream post, frozen desserts is sounding good too. You guys are triggering my indecisiveness. Did someone write we could vote as many times as we like?


You CAN vote as many times as you like, but voting ended yesterday. :wink: I’ll take the votes we have so far, though (incl the ones from today).

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If we do FRUIT (which I think is a great idea), let’s do fruit generally rather than berries specifically as stone fruit season is upon us.


Have you tried the strawberries from Gloria’s? We usually get our strawberries and vegetables at Gloria’s. The rest of our fruit at Arnett’s.

When they’re available, make sure to check out the grapes from the vendor next to the honey guy.

I’ve always had good luck with strawberries coming from Oxnard farmers.

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Thanks, @Jase and @attran99! I shall embark on a strawberry mission this weekend.

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The best.

I remember as a kid we grabbed a flat on the way up to Santa Barbara. We finished the flat within 10 minutes, doubled back, and grabbed 2 more flats before resuming our drive north.

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@President_Mochi If you can get your hands on the organic strawberries from Oxnard, jump on it. I’ve been told by the farmers that they’re like candy. I’ve not run across them in the Farmer’s Market before, so have never had a chance.

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