Displaced for a few days in Arcadia

Same family.

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I’m also a big fan of Zelo.

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i’d be curious to discover just how many FTCers that are SGV accessible maintain more than a passing interest in different regional chinese cuisines. i myself have probably gone SE asian (thai, laotian, vietnamese) vs. chinese probably 4:1 in the last 3 months because there are more hole in the wall places to try nowadays.

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Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, and perhaps Rosemead have so many Chinese hole-in-the-wall places plus food stands in food courts that there are many that don’t get much discussion here. One happens to be a huge favorite of my Chinese foodies group, but we tend not to want to talk about it, wanting to keep it as our secret place… :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t open the can, if you’re not gonna spill the beans


thank you. or we can all decide to not respond to any queries from people like this.

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What Thai places in the SGV are you going to? I haven’t found any great ones in the area but maybe I’m not looking in the right place?

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I’ve mentioned here before that I haven’t managed to eat at many Vietnamese places in the SGV, but I have hit almost all of the Burmese places, plus some Indonesian, Malaysian, the one Lao place, etc.

I don’t think the FTC crew would spoil your gem. It’s not like there are hundreds of us flocking to places all at once. It wouldn’t be like all of us competing for Hayato bentos that come out once per month.


Hmmm… a secret restaurant. I’m sure they appreciate you not wanting them to have lots of customers. :wink:


not in the SGV. i’ve had reason to go to thai town & the SFV so i’ve been to revisited northern thai food club a number of times, tried kop jai lai in granada hills, another laotian place that JKB mentioned in a flea market type place, etc.

EDIT: a lot of it is tied to what i mentioned before: a lack of new places i’ve wanted to try. there are what about 800+ chinese places in the SGV. after 6 years or so, i’ve managed to try maybe 250 of them. i remember someone who posted on CH looking for folks interested in eating their way down valley blvd and they couldn’t understand why the response was completely underwhelming. there are a lot of mediocre places out there - unless you know the one thing to order. i’ve discovered that yelp can help a bit once i identified whose reviews to take seriously, but i just don’t have the inclination to try a new place only to discover that i’d wish that i hadn’t.

Agreed, mostly. I know I can reveal anything in the SFV without spoiling it. At best it will get mildly busy on weekends. I just want these places to stay in business and for it be successful enough that the current owner/cook stays.

I feel like the SGV is similar, there are so many places written about here and the food media but I generally don’t see them crowded with either foodies or the masses that read the newspaper. The line at Chengdu Taste was very long for a while, but they closed their second restaurant and now the lines are about 30-ish at peak times. Din Tai Fung still has a crowd, and even then only about half of the normal non-foodie types who read about it somewhere that I’ve taken have enjoyed it.

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No offense, but why do you persist in talking about a restaurant that you refuse to name? Either name it, or just stop talking about it altogether.


What did I miss?