FTC Buyout #2


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In for myself, depending on the exact date

In for 1.


hoping to have an update once the plates arrive.

Menu will be very similar to this one that we tested out

Please note - price is not yet confirmed. It will likely be more expensive than their general tasting menu. Not by a crazy amount, but it will be more than $275. They will have to calculate food costs and make the determination.


I’m very interested for one OR two pending seats avail/ exact date.

In for 2

In as single. Thank you!

In for 2

interested in 2 seats

In for 1, if available, cheers!

Still in.

update - they just did a test run in the kitchen and think it went well. They are gonna dial it a bit more before launching.


Amazing! I’m still in

awesome! Still very much in

In for 2 :pray:

Still in for 1

In for two if any space frees up!

i’ll have an update in the next day or two


related to the things kato is previewing on insta?