Girl & the Goat

“sips for tips” - I don’t expect to get corkage waived when I share wine and I open a fair amount of collectible burgundy at restaurants. It’s just more as a thank you for helping us at night.


Seen it happen many, many times…my friends, who much more into wine than I am, love to give tastes of their prize bottles to somms and servers (if the restaurant allows). That generosity can lead to a corkage being waived but that is never the goal.


Exactly. We never go in expecting corkage to be waived, but it happens more often than not.

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At the LA branch?

yep - for quite a bit, then it stopped a few months ago.

It’s hard for me to believe I’d have missed such an eccentric policy if it was on the menu when I was there last August, but it was there in October: Gone by January.


That’s pretty amazing. I have never heard of such corkage policy, especially printed on a menu. Really generous of the restaurant to offer that. Having said that, if one is bringing a baller bottle of wine, it would be well worth it to just pay the corkage versus sharing a glass lol


IDK, I don’t think of wine sharing from an economical POV. The feeling of sharing a great glass with someone who may not have experienced a rare wine far outweighs the price point. Several have mentioned sharing wine the somm and in return may have corkage waived, but not expecting it. Same idea with a guest. And yes, it’s a unique and very cool idea.


Obviously sharing a glass means you have one fewer glass from the bottle, so they may find that leads to ordering off the menu. But I love the policy. Never experienced before, but I think the positive effects must be pretty cool.


Dinner tonight was adventurous and enjoyable overall. Here’s what’s odd…there were many competing flavors on several plates so some were quite convoluted…but somehow, they still tasted pretty good.

pork belly| green mango, pickled fresnos, shrimp rice, coconut crunch
a super bright salad and masterclass in texture ranging from soft rice to crunchy veggie and toasted puff rice. heck, even the pork belly slices were deep fried to create a crisp crust but they were slight over.

goat liver mousse | crumpets, biscuit crackers, pickled kumquats, blueberry mostarda
my favorite of the night. simply put, each bite had only several components, a rarity for tonight’s dinner, and they all complemented each other very well. the crumpets exhibited a fluffy and mochi-donut like texture on the inside but is slightly crisped on the outside. honestly, i can eat a dozen of these by themselves but the play is to smear on that creamy and deeply savory goat liver mousse with a dab of the sweet and tart blueberry mostarda.

alternatively, the crunchy biscuit crackers offer an immense textual change

roasted oysters | clam baugette, sausage butter, oysters sauce mayo, pickled grapes
a lil’ surf and turf here…tasted good overall but quite messy to eat and lacked balance given that the the pickled grapes went missing.

this bite was screaming for acidity

hamachi collar | oyster sauce mayo, puff rice, pickled peppers, scallion
the collar itself was grilled decently but it was a touch over in temp so i didn’t get that super moist flesh that’s expected of a fatty fish collar. the oyster sauce mayo made another appearance which i didn’t care for. it’s simply too rich for my palate.

confit goat belly | brown butter herb yogurt, summer squash, smoked tomato, sourdough gremolata, jus
goat was tender, juicy, and the crisped up exterior was a nice touch. it paired nicely with the rich yogurt but the accompanying jus, poured tableside, was bland and barely lukewarm. the accompaniments were lovely…the tomato offered bursts of juicy acid and intense smokiness while the ultra-crunchy sourdough croutons offered great textural contrast.

goat curry | masa chips, radish, pickled veggies
i really dig this curry. it’s rich, complex, and with the masa chips mixed in, it ate like a chilaquiles. the range of pickles and herbs really lifted the dish and created a nice balance. sadly, however, the goat was a bit tough…noticeable but didn’t detract from the experience too much.

mango sticky rice | mango tamarind ice cream, pickled green mango, coconut cloud, watermelon granita
a very nice play on mango sticky rice. loved the use of pickled green mango for balance a snappy texture and the coconut foam really lightened each bite.

strawberry sorbet | coconut caramel
mostly creamy with just bits of iciness on certain bites. delicious.


We felt the same. It’s like every dish has some type of sauce or puree on the bottom with another different competing sauce on top.

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I’d have flagged down a server and asked for them to bring my pickled grapes.

I didn’t have the menu next to me so I didnt realize it until I was doing my write-up.

I hung on to my menu because most of the dishes had so many components.


Sounds like we love it? I’m ready i think

Headed out to G&G tonight with a friend.

What’s the parking sitch like?

Any must haves? It’ll depend on how hungry my friend is.

I loved the roast oysters, liver mouse-crumpets, shrimp and crispy greens, shishito, pork shank


green beans and fish sauce too

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There is a valet but I can usually find street parking nearby. Parking can sometimes take a bit of searching, though, especially as Bavel is nearby. I am partial to the goat liver mousse, the chickpea fritters, the roasted oysters, and the goat curry.


crumpets, oysters, pork shank, oyster sauce stracciatella