Guilty Pleasures

As someone who moved to LA at the age of five (1958), and left in the summer of 1976, I remember Stan’s Donuts from 1966 on, back when there was still a hot dog stand attached. Back then, he didn’t know how the dispenser for the French donuts worked, and so instead of a spiral, they were star-shaped!. So, I definitely have a nostalgic spot in my heart for Stan . . . I just can’t believe how famous/cult-like his donuts have become.

Aside from Pann’s patty melts and onion rings (also excellent), I still love Philippe’s and I often drive straight there from LAX, in the same way that Anthony Bourdain’s first stop is In-N-Out. It’s either Philippe’s or – if it’s early or late enough that the crowds are reasonable, Pink’s, yet another trip down memory lane . . . or, in this case, down Melrose from my old high school.


It’s not “yellow goo”, it’s “cheese product,” which is SO much more high end.

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You must only hang out at 7-Elevens in places like La Jolla, Carmel Valley and Rancho Santa Fe.

I’m slumming it out in the East Village …

I add diced tomato and pickles to cut through all the richness. Love it!

I like the pepper jack cheese on a a stick from Hot Dog on a Stick. Something about it is so wrong, but so good.

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Actually, these days I patronize the 7-11 at 25th and Broadway. The nachos are a once-in-a-while treat.

Cheesecake Factory.

So embarrassing on so many levels, but twice a year I just turn my brain off.

My friend there is nothing wrong with Cheesecake Factory.

Their hamburgers are surprisingly above average and the strawberry shortcake reminds me of a Hostess fruit pie with more strawberries, in a good way.

I made the mistake of peeking inside the little nutritional values booklet that they give you nowadays. The horror…


1500+ calorie slice of cheese cake…

Is Cheesecake the one w/ the fried avocado rolls? I rather enjoy those…


Yep, that’s the one. I prefer the fried mac and cheese balls myself. /killme

Don’t forget the Bloomin’ Onion appetizer:

“a single blooming onion with dressing contains approximately 3,000 calories and 134 grams of fat.”

I feel SICK. LOL. :cold_sweat:

I thought the Bloomin’ Onion was from Outback.

I, too, enjoy Cheesecake Factory on occasion. There will be a new one opening up in Cerritos soon inside the mall.

that’s the one, paranoia.

and that’s no fucking joke.

I think I did also enjoy their hamburgers and their iconic bastardization of a preeminent Creole dish, jambalya.

Attran, yah, LOL. I was just posting up ridiculous calorie “guilty pleasures” (although the Bloomin’ Onion is one I wouldn’t want to order).

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Oh. My. God. I’m silently judging you.

The Largest Cheesecake Factory in the Los Angeles area is about to open on the third floor of the Santa Monica Place…

As you should! Shame and remorse are the spices that give a guilty pleasure its je ne sais quoi. It’s all a very sadomasochistic experience.


Was it @J_L_ who recommend Carl’s Jr’s fried zucchini? I’ve had them 2 twice this year, which is more than I’ve visited Carl’s Jr in the past decade.

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