Home Cooking 2022

I made the pie. My friend made the macarons and is baking on the side. She is very talented but not really taking any orders. Here is the recipe for the chocolate peanut butter pie recipe. It’s a simple recipe but time consuming because you need each layer to set.


I picked up uni at the smfm.

Had uni, egg and apricot & honey goat chèvre toast for a little snack


Yum homemade egg on egg

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Always been obsessed with cremes and custards of any kind but especially creme brulee… not sure why but ive never tired to make it and it’s interesting… have to try again with a different cream maybe… when opened it had tons of solidified cream in it already… the cream came out very buttery on top… created its own crust… french friend said you find it that way in the countryside often… it’s fixed by brulee-ing… which i’m not doing as i’m illequipped… tried caramel, that’s not the vibe at all

the custard under was lovely… perfect vanilla beans from Epicurus


You probably don’t want the richest cream (like you might get from a local organic dairy or at a farmers market) for crème brûlée. Regular supermarket heavy cream with no additives is fine.

A blowtorch is the best tool for brûléeing.

was regular vons organic heavy cream… half cream half milk per the recipe. was shocked it was so buttery… like it was already churned when i opened it.

If the cream was separating, I’d return it.

I’ll have to share the recipe I use. It’s rare for me find crème brûlée outside of my own kitchen that I love.

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please! i’m ready for another try soon

Homemade turkey chili


Bone in chicken thigh with olive broccoli feta orzo flavored with oregano, tomatoes and preserved lemon. A one pan meal. Everybody enjoyed.


Sookorijjim - braised oxtail
Keranjjim -steamed egg
And stir fried veggies

Did not make the cold plates


@hungryhungryhippos, wow! Yum!

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The filial piety is strong with you.

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Happy New Year. Had to try and up my game a little after seeing @thechez5 Momofuku noodles all dressed up. I threw the kitchen sink at the tingly spicy noodles today. The noodles are good with a nice chew but kinda boring without all the extra toppings. Needed that extra heat from the spicy chili crunch. Disregard dirty cutting board.


Hahah. That looks great! :heart_eyes:

And I agree, they really are pretty boring without a bunch of toppings.


Preamble; five years ago we xeroscaped the yards. We had a great designer. I asked for a wild SoCal landscape rather than the usual rocks and cacti. He came through big time.

Over the course of time stinging nettles showed up. My lovely wife was disturbed by this. I was delighted as nettles are delicious and nutritious. Inspired by a recipe from the Bestia cookbook I harvest the nettles (wearing rubber gloves - I grew up in rural southeastern Michigan and have itched enough for several lifetimes) and blanch and puree them to make into pasta.

Since learning that fresh pasta can be frozen without a loss of quality I make enough for three meals for the two of us.
Tonight it was shaved artichoke pasta;



hell yeah!

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Wowww nice!

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Niiiiice :heart_eyes_cat: and beautiful yard!