I’m skeptical that there’s not also schmaltz. Otherwise I don’t know what would hold it together.
schmaltz + eggs are the way to go imo.
mine’s pretty good too…lol
I used to get the pastrami and chopped liver and add a sunny side up egg. Pure decadence and a tad messy. But yes, the chopped liver has always been very good and so silky smooth.
I miss my moms and grandmas .
My mom had a grinder that was attached to an old stand mixer. It was from the 60s. Like an iron KitchenAid . Talk about durability and power.
She used it for chopped liver and filling for her kreplach.
But aside from the eggs and schmaltz, I remember her grind was not too fine. Personally, I’m not a fan when chopped liver is too smooth.
It’s called chopped liver, not puréed liver. LOL
me either-- I like it on the coarse side with the schmaltz holding all the elements together…
I’m a schmaltz licker.
I’ve enjoyed pastrami with chopped liver many times, but the egg thing is unique. Where did that come from? It reminds me of the first time I ordered a burger at McDonalds in Kowloon.
I honestly saw someone order it at the table next to me and it looks delicious and I was starving so that was how the was introduced.
That ought to come with macaroni salad and two scoops of rice.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Langer’s pastrami