M. Georgina

This is a good restaurant. I think the only negative review came from a first-time poster who initially wrote that the restaurant has “mediocre food” and then elaborated that his or her visit was “extremely pleasant.”


I agree - M. Georgina is very good.
So happy to see BAddy’s review today.


@beam said it was underwhelming and @butteredwaffles said one and done. I hate wasting my dining dollars at one and done Restaurants. Nothing really bad, but nothing that compels you to return. I often have the experience of reading a compelling review in the Los Angeles Times or elsewhere and going and feeling one and done. In fact, I’m in New York now and had dinner last night at a one and done restaurant and was pissed off at wasting an evening in New York there given the plethora of other choices in the city.


I am not going back if I am paying, and might not even go back even if someone else is paying.
There was too much incompetence in service and the food was not all that good.


I felt the same way as @beam, just never took the time to write up a report.


All I’ll say is I’d return for that sourdough ice cream any day.

But yeah other than that it was a great meal I can say I had. Beyond that I haven’t thought about it.

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Not reopening.
