Pizzeria Sei

the pizza y should be available the day after an omakasei.

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Loved this meal, and quantity was right on for me. FTC buyout was overkill and I was leaving the crust behind at the end :sweat_smile:

First time having the Hailey 1.0. I’ve had the original before, but I really like this one. The lemon zest hit really hard as did the anchovy. I had multiple versions of the anchovy + squash blossom in Italy recently, but this version was :fire: Pizza Y was great. The beef tongue, not quite calzone was a winner. Better than the version we had at the buyout as a more traditional pizza. Texture of the top and bottom crust was stellar and the balance of beef tongue inside was perfect for me. Some folks thought this leaned towards salty, but I loved it.

Tom yum shrimp pizza very promising, but the shrimp it so big that it needed more tom yum + penang curry flavor to balance it.

I think I’m getting a bit spoiled by pizza with caviar… this is a dangerous road to be on.


that’s why you gotta go to the omakase!


For me the bestest pizza joint in town. Dough was sooo good. Everything was great - personal highlights

  1. Hailey 1.0 - excellent balance of acid, herbaceousness and vegetal elements
  2. Kakinuma - classic!
  3. Tom Yum - yummy. Although I did find the shell on shrimp a little challenging to maneuver
  4. Cali margherita - :it: icons but oh so light presentation
  5. Patate - Finally got a chance to channel @Clayfu :laughing:
  6. Bingsoo - make sure to mix the savory, sour and sweet ingredients well for optimal enjoyment.

I realized today that the toppings (sans dough) can stand alone as individual dishes at a restaurant.

Regret not making an effort to attend the FTC buyout too :tired_face:


I was there at 4 and asked if could get the kakinuma style marinara, hailey 1.0 or tom yum shrimp - king prawn. None was available although I had been told by the host after the last omakase that I likely could get the Kakinuma style marinara on Wednesday.


I’m telling y’all I don’t know how he does it. I was there and the lighting was TERRIBLE. And yet these photos all look like they were shot in a studio!

It was one of the most remarkable meals of my life. Hard to tell from photo but the wagyu tongue calzone was sent from divine creation.




he sat at the counter which has bright lighting

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They also bring their own lighting.

Only if you consider a phone flashlight bringing lighting.

Try again. Seen plenty of it.

Lol, I was sitting next to @PorkyBelly, it’s all natural room light this time, the Google Pixel’s processing, and photographer skill.


I’m generalizing, not specific to @PorkyBelly. The last time I was at Sei, there was a guy at the counter with an entire set up. One doesn’t have to look much further than this thread.



That’s not particularly a set up. It’s a light commonly used at lots of restaurants to support outdoor/indoor dining. My husband liked the one from Anajak so much he bought them to use indoors.


@chrishei is an influencer of the highest caliber can’t get that engagement without the lighting!


My Pixel 6 Pro takes way better photos in low light that previous models I’ve owned.

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it’s also on every table


I figured. I’ve only been there during the day so have never noticed lamps out.


I just went and didn’t not se lights lol but just know I bought some to test them because I would have never thought to bring lights with me lol