Roberta's pop-up

It’s a pop up and pizzas are < $20. You’re overthinking this, just go.

I was waiting for pizza and wandered over to the souvenir stand (which is selling $30 Brooklyn pizza t-shirts… really, New Yorkers?) and killed some time flipping through this cookbook. There are some excellent recipes, so I got a copy from the library. I think I’m going to like it as much as the Gelina book.

And now I will head over to the Home Cooking section and let you all get back to the pizza porn.


It’s an excellent book. Enjoy.

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There is no overthinking when it comes to my ever-expanding waistline during the holidays. If this pop-up were during the summer, I’d be there already. :wink:

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Go get some pizza, it’s really good. Drink only green juice the rest of the day, you’ll be fine.

This forum is amazing.

In one thread, someone can’t eat pizza for fear of an expanding waistline, and in another thread everyone is hating on a place that doesn’t serve a full pound of butter saturated and cheese covered pasta per portion.

For some, they drink green juice on pizza day, and for others, they need to order 2 pizzas and wash it down with lard just to be even slightly satisfied…quite the dichotomy we have going on here.

Yeah it’s amazing why people aren’t identical.


Oh, stop exaggerating. And maybe work on your sense of humor.


A pit in my stomach.

But thank you for the honor! I will do my best not to let you down. My first orders of business:

  • Steal Felix & Night + Market from Venice
  • Shut down Public School
  • Move the farmer’s market to the weekend
  • Kay N Daves is now full time happy hour only
  • Meet In Paris becomes another Ludo spot called Moyen Trois

We actually like Meet in Paris. I vote that you convince Howlin’ Ray’s to open up a satellite counter in DTCC - they would definitely draw a crowd at the building where Picnic used to be…

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I see no exaggeration at all.

The documentary about the back scenes war between Venice and Westwood vying to get Felix and Night Market would be quite thrilling to watch!

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A wee bit… :wink:

(I added an emoji to help you decipher the intent of my comment.)

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Aren’t a difficulty in deciphering intent (regardless of emoji helpers) and an acknowledgment of a non-ironic interpretation of hyperbole the main problems…???

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I don’t know. People can decipher letters and other written media fairly well.

Btw, I like Jon & Vinny’s a lot. In case that was not clear.

That was the point of my comment. People aren’t identical. So I don’t need to be offended by Jon and Vinnys like everyone is suggesting based on some objective standard of portion sizes prices fat tolerance etc…

You and me both.

It must cater to the juicing crowd more than the fat loving crowd (though I’m right in the middle I suppose as I enjoy vegetables and fat equally)

The point of my comment is that Jon and Vinnys isn’t objectively horrible just bad for some types and not others.

No, I think you are just fine. :slight_smile:

Good to know! I’ve only been to Meet in Paris once, a while back, and remember it being pleasant. I just had to sacrifice the only french spot in the area for a Ludo venture.

And man. I literally had “Secret Howlin’ Rays 2.0 - 15min line max” typed out but then thought that I was being too greedy. Plus, I have to keep some things back pocket for when I run for my second term.


One more gratuitous shot before Roberta’s packs up and leaves. This is my favorite $10 pizza ever.