What's At Your Local Farmers Market? A Look At Fresh Veggies, Fruits, Meats, Nuts and More [Thoughts + Pics]

Didn’t go last week. Went today and nearly all the citrus is gone and stone fruit is everywhere. Tenerelli has arrived and has apricots. Cherry prices that I could see ranging from $7-$12/lb, most peaches/nectarines around $5/lb.


I forget the name but the soft dark cherries from Andy’s were absolutely absurdly sweet today. Also the Chester blackberries at Burkhart.

Saw some shishitos for the first time though didn’t get any (they looked fairly pale which usually means they’ve got more heat and I prefer shishitos not spicy). Baby corn at one vendor and via instagram it looks like Chino Farm in Rancho Santa Fe has corn so hopefully that’s coming up here soon.


Lapins - very tasty!

They were Black Republicans. They don’t sell Lapins, which are firmer like Bings anyway. Super delicious!

No, also got those which are also good but not quite as ridiculously sweet.

Scott’s (at the Sunday SaMo FM) had a variety of nectarines and peaches. The guy working there recommended the yellow nectarines. I normally prefer peaches (I like soft), but the aroma and flavor of the nectarines were great. And these nectarines were actually pretty soft.

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Best fruit this weekend at the Irvine FM were the white nectarines at Kens and the Santa Rosa pluots at Tennereli. We’re getting close to peak stone fruit.


My bags were probably 90% peaches and nectarines yesterday. So far I think the overall winner is the pluots from Tenerelli but everything has been sweet and a good texture.

I didn’t catch any cherries unfortunately; guess they’re going really quick now. Also a lot more tomatoes; got a couple from Tutti Fruitti and they were really sweet and juicy.

Cool thing I got that I haven’t had before: wild white salmon. Apparently everybody once in a while a salmon doesn’t process the krill or whatever into a form that turns them pink (IIRC farmed salmon would be this color without additives). It tasted…like salmon :slight_smile:


Please report on the peaches. The ones at Ken’s the last two weeks didn’t look that great.

Would love to have some sweet ripe peaches.

Donut/Saturns super sweet though took a day in a bag to ripen. This is the first week that the yellow peaches and nectarines have been really good, maybe even better than the whites. Apricots have been strong throughout though I imagine their season may be drawing to a close.


Oh yeah i didn’t pick up any apricots recently just been going with mango nectarines and plums/pluots from kens.

Does anyone have recs for what fruits are good at arnet farms?

Try the pluots and donut peaches. They were good last week and samples are back.


So, I haven’t seen Persian Mulberries in about four years. Are any farms still bringing them to market? They used to be a fabulous, but pricey, treat.

Definitely a couple of stands with mulberries. I’ve seen them at anything from $5-$12 for a small clamshell.

Yeah, me too, but Persian Mulberries are generally 3 times that price and are plump, not long, and much, much jammier.

Ah I’ve seen the short ones a couple times; usually as white? Those were the $12ish ones.

No persian mulberries today - one of the other vendors said that it was end of season for them but that there was another vendor that had them this Wednesday.


That’s what I’m looking for. There are white varieties, but they’re nowhere near as good.

Partner will try to see what Regier’s is offering tomorrow, but we just tried a yellow peach we got from Scott’s (Sunday Santa Monica FM; I was hoping their stuff might be good b/c they are also based in Dinuba), and it was OUTSTANDING. I normally like the peach to feel a bit softer, but partner wanted to eat it tonight, and the bite (literally) was just as soft as I like.


$14 for a clamshell at Tenerelli today fyi