COVID-19 LA Discussion | Will you continue to order takeout or delivery as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads in LA?

I bought life insurance this year so I’m all good.


I was hoping for a Darwinian effect for the stupidest amongst society.

This is from NYT article. Discussion with the head of the WHO.

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Yes, response has a lot to do with it. They’re fever testing everyone and containing in china though not forcing social distancing from start. Italy was late and we saw what happened.

I won’t be more cautious than public health officials ask. Here’s the latest for LA:

At this time, there is no immediate threat to the general public and no special precautions are required. Los Angeles County residents, students, workers, and visitors are encouraged to engage in their regular activities and practice good public health hygiene, as this is the height of flu season across the County.

Pregnant women, individuals with underlying health conditions, and older people should practice social distancing

Public Health continues to recommend that the public do the following to protect themselves and others from respiratory illnesses:

  • Avoid non-essential travel, public gatherings, or places where large groups of people congregate, such as ticketed events (such as theaters, concert halls, and sporting events) if you are at higher risk of getting very sick from infection, such as the elderly (65 or older), people with underlying health conditions, and pregnant women.
  • Abstain from all cruise ship travel, as suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Avoid travel to all areas where there are outbreaks of COVID-19.
  • Follow all social distancing recommendations issued by Public Health.
  • If you are mildly sick with a fever, stay home until you have been fever-free for 72 hours, except to get medical care.
  • Those with high risk factors and who have fever or new or worsening cough, should consider contacting their providers earlier when they are sick.
  • Event organizers should consider postponing or cancelling non-essential community events, especially those that may be attended by the elderly, pregnant women, or people with chronic health conditions.


There’s still hope.


One can hope MAGA.

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lol… our CFO is sick and doctors didn’t have a test…

aaaaand we’re about to get the work from home announcement so it’s coming… get your beans and rice and enjoy time at home … dont eat your kids.


As someone with “underlying health issues,” I tend to be a bit more vigilant; at this point, per physicians’ guidance, I am avoiding most all social spaces, keeping a physical distance when interactions happen, and not dining out. Still getting take-out, but starting to rethink that (with much teeth-gnashing).

Pantry/fridge/freezer are well-stocked (but for fresh greens), we’re in good shape for critter food, and I’m getting ready to make a big pot of split pea soup.

For those who haven’t gotten a flu shot, please get one now. It’s not too late, and - regardless how healthy you are - getting the flu will impact your immune system and (should you be exposed to it) make it harder for your body to fight the Covid-19 virus.

Edited to add: Keep an eye on your elderly neighbors and friends, and those who are dealing with health challenges, please. Reach out and see if they need anything from the store or other errands. Tell them they’re not alone: we need to stick together and support each other.


i’m hoping that in a couple of weeks we’ll see some restaurants showing heightened awareness of the issue, with all servers and cooks wearing surgical masks. if only line cooks will be reassured to get paid sick leaves, so those ‘just mildly under the weather’ wouldn’t be coming to work as usual, perhaps just enough people will feel safe enough to continue to eat out to keep the industry from collapsing…

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People should fucking do what public health officials recommend.

By current recommendations, masks are for health care workers, infected individuals, and fucking assholes. If you’re not in one of those groups, don’t buy or wear them.


I have no clue if anything attached is true … fwiw. It may well be fake news and propaganda by the Dems. Consume at your own risk

The right side of that image is cut off.

good luck.

the Italians too followed public health officials’ recommendations. and ignored what they’ve learned in Asia where these outbreaks happened before.

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We can see that we learned from their response and both NY and LA are now reacting before we have a big spread. Tons of companies just announced work from home including mine and i’m sure schools do Monday or Tuesday.

These are not very well thought-out advices. Much more extreme social distancing is absolutely critical to have a chance to get this reasonably (not Taiwan/SK level but hopefully also not worth than Italy) under control within the next 2-3 months. And we need many, many, many more people tested to have any chance

i get why one may think over-reaction to stock up on masks isn’t necessary. but the logic of wearing masks is not to protect the servers and line cooks themselves. they interact with a lot of people. one may not be aware of being infected in the early stages. so they should wear masks to protect their customers.

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Friend in HK cautioned, one of the hotbeds for contraction are elevators… I hold my breath when I’m in one.

One real problem in the US is that that due to the panic-driven hoarding and waste of masks there aren’t enough for hospital workers, so they get sick and have to quarantine themselves, exacerbating the shortage of hospital care.

You guys are public health officials of which jurisdictions again?