Filet o Hashbrown

You know, there’s always another meal coming at the top of every hour, so there’s still time to make things right.


Yep, I got a really fresh hash brown. It actually could have been cooked longer.

Good question @paranoidgarliclover. I didn’t know any better and asked for it assembled w/extra cheese. I couldnt really tell if there was extra cheese and I didn’t ask for extra tarter but it had a generous dollop. She made a bomb ass sandwich.



(BTW, there was literally just sliver of cheese on underneath half of the filet. Pfft.)


I was wincing as a I took the first bite. Would it live up to the hype? As mentioned previously, I thought the last FoF I had (sans hashbrown) was DIS-gusting, and I didn’t really understand how adding a hashbrown would help (although I really like McD’s hashbrowns).

After the first taste, I thought, “What kind of sorcery is this???” Not transcendent, to be sure, but there is some black magic that causes the filet and hasbrown to meld into a harmonious whole. A little fish taste here, a little crispy edge there. It’s like the two become some strange Platonic ideal of what a fast-food filet of fish should be (in terms of thickness and chew).

Oddly pleasant. Curiously addictive. Strangely satisfying.

I imagine the addition of tiny amount of hot sauce (sorry, none on hand and not super close to a Del Taco) would be just amazing, w/ the acidity cutting through the grease.

Consider me converted.

Although I’ll still probably walk down to the Lemonade to get something that has, you know, fiber.


Two more days to get the half shamrock half choco. Now that one we assembled ourselves. :relaxed:


Isn’t the HB ‘supposed’ to be on top of the FoF?

You’re such a noob. You’re suppose to go for course #2!


I love the real time action, it’s so interactive. Glad you liked it! I was getting nervous. :grin:


An order of large fries will do


Seriously ROTFLMAO!!!

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Whateva works

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always willing to push boundaries

, i added ketchup and black pepper to mine. i think sriracha would be interesting.

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Sun’s out, buns out!:sunglasses::palm_tree::sunny:


it was fine. i’ve had them both ways and it’s still great.

So there aren’t any rules. :smile:

with the invention of the Filet O Fish Hashbrown, (invented/discovered by @ipsedixit) it’s still a wild, new, wondrous world


Splash some of THIS right on the tartar sauce…


Self assemble. Definitely. Make sure you get some extra tartar sauce to accompany that.

That Wilshire McDonald’s btwn Bundy & Barrington has fast drive thru service. I’m lovin’ it.

I was reading about some things that can be done and a McDs worker suggested ordering your HB well done and they’ll cook to order getting it browner and extra crispy.


I’ve yet to try the FoHB, but as an occasional purchaser of FoFs I’m going to insert myself here: The key to getting a good FoF is to ask for it “made to order”, so that they don’t assemble it with a piece of fish that’s been sitting in their warmer for who-knows-how-long. (I’ve mentioned this before). Now if you also ask for a well-done HB as suggested above, that should make for a stellar FoHB.

I think I’ll try that myself, except I’ll also ask them to add slivered onions as I do on my usual made-to-order FoF. If onions are good on the FoF, they have to be better on the FoHB, yes? Then again, I’m the guy who orders the double-double with onions three ways at InO, so maybe you shouldn’t listen to me.


If you go on FOF Friday’s they sell so many that they’re always fresh.

‘Tis the season.

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