Home Cooking 2022

There are two schools of thought on burrito construction: Hetero- and Homogeneity. Your wife is clearly in the ‘homogeneity’ camp. Each bite should be the same, with an even distribution of ingredients throughout the burrito.

Camp heterogeneity likes the fact that maybe THIS half has more guac and rice, and THAT half has more beans and cheese. Mind you, this applies across the shortest cross section of the burrito. It goes without saying that packing a burrito like a vertical tube, bottom to top, is a sign of a clearly disordered individual.


It all goes back to the Second Law of Thermodynamics… Profound.


I enjoy homo burritos for breakfast but prefer hetero lunch/dinner burritos :burrito: :joy: :joy:


That’s the sh### . I’m always amazed at the over the top cooking you prepare.




Pumpkin video is better


In my previous life I think I was either Italian or a short order cook at one of those Greek diners in Queens.


I just yelled “Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger!” in my head.


13 posts were split to a new topic: Warrior’s not-tasty-food restaurant: threat or menace?

Tomatoes! Tomatoes! Tomatoes!

Yes, I know it’s December. One can reminisce.

Got happy with late summer tomatoes and was putting them on everything @js76wisco. :wink: Things to love about California. Late summer stretches into fall. I was getting tasty tomatoes all thru October

Roasted Tomatoes w/Olive Oil, Heirloom Garlic, Smidge of Sugar & Skosh of Fish Sauce

Tomato Confit

Did a batch of the cherry tomatoes w/garlic, basil, thyme, bay leaves & big glugs of olive oil, roasted very low & very slow. Removed garlic & herbs then jarred & covered in olive oil to store.


Sautéed onions & garlic, browned tomato paste in olive oil, sieved the roasted tomatoes, added Italian herbs, bay leaf, salt, sugar, crush red pepper, wine & water. Simmered low & slow.

Chicken Parm w/Tomato Confit

Jidori chicken breast cutlets, topped w/sauce & warmed tomato confit in oil, a shower of parmesan came later.

Eggplant Parm

Calliope Eggplants from my farm box.

Sliced and salted to remove excess moisture before breading (flour, egg, seasoned breadcrumbs) & frying, layered w/sauce & cheese. Topped not with parmesan but w/robusto & dollops of ricotta.

Sautéed Calliope Eggplant, Corn, Roasted Tomatoes, Garlic, Basil

Topped it w/scallion oil (grapeseed oil, scallions, fish sauce, sugar, red serrano) & chopped peanuts but I don’t have the photographic evidence to prove it. :slightly_smiling_face: Served w/Purple Rice

Marinated Cherry Tomatoes & Homemade Hummus

Yep, I was putting tomatoes on everything.

Served with Zhug-Yogurt Marinated Chicken Thighs from a recipe @attran99 posted. :hearts:

Grilled cheese (white american & robusto) w/roasted tomatoes, chives on buttered ezekiel bread or more accurately earth balanced ezekiel bread

Should’ve made tomato soup to accompany! :yum:

Chicken Mole Tacos - Ground Chicken, Mole Negro, Mole Coloradito, Avocado Salsa Verde, Meredith Dairy Marinated Goat Cheese, Roasted Tomatoes, Fresh Sungold Tomatoes, Scallions, Cilantro, La Tortilla Factory Corn/Flour Tortillas

Untraditional, but my taco truck taco loving husband wolfed down three and said “You should write this one down.” Gracias.


A friend says everytime I see “Crostini” on a menu I purrr “Oooh Crostini”. I didn’t realize that, lol, but gotta do crostini. Used the last of the roasted & confit tomatoes, purple haze goat cheese, crushed red pepper, basil, balsamic, buttery olive oil, flaky salt.

Reserved the oily, roasted tomato juice for salad dressings & such.

Frisée, Wild Arugula, Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes, Avocado & Tomato Vinaigrette

Okay, this next one deserves an honorable mention even though Pace Joint in Hollywood prepared everything and I added an egg & avocado.

Panzanella Salad w/Cedar Plank Salmon, Nabal Avocado, Hardboiled Eggs

Nice smokey, crispy char on the salmon & moist inside.

The Salad

Thanks for the rec @hungryhungryhippos! They have quite a few delicious items on the menu. But the panzanella! :hearts: There was a different variety of tomato every time we ordered the salad.

This concludes the tomato series. See ya next summer!


Ooo! Good to know those eggplants make good Parmasean!! Even the smallest purple eggplants make way too much for the both of us…


They do. Just like regular eggplant. Perfect for two. I almost felt it a shame to cover up those pretty eggplant with breading and sauce, so I reserved a couple for the sauté too.

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Oh! An idea… I have never wanted an air fryer until I saw this recipe…


@TheCookie on :fire: in the kitchen!


That looks yummy. I go back and forth on the air fryer too. I don’t know anyone who regrets buying one. I’m not sure about all that teflon and plastic but my main issue is lack of space. :smirk:


I am the same way… lack of space. Even with our pending remodel. P desperately wants a combi oven, which will take up a good amount of the space we opening up… Another large appliance I may use a couple of times a month vs. a regular supply of fresh Baguettes… hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You’ll have to set your browser to translate but this Eggplant made in the style of an eel dish is really good. [Video on the page linked]


@moonboy403 really enjoys the oven.


I know. He had to explain to me what it does and the benefits. :smile: Sounds great!


Ohhh… always looking for interesting ideas to avoid the cooking doldrums!