Needle - Silver Lake

Oh Em gee

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Gonna invoice you. It may be my favorite iteration yet.

@butteredwaffles ya gotta make your way over to try this pipin’ :fire: off the grill. That even marbling and texture is off the charts compared to the pork chop one you had.


And no dinner at Needle is perfect without an immediate visit to _ _ _ for a bang bang.





yep, had this last night and it was absolutely perfect. would love for their to be a city-wide pork jowl movement. so so damn good


I believe PRD had it at one point.

Pork jowl is common at good Thai restaurants, usually listed on the menu as “pork neck.”

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Also popular in KBBQ

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dumb q but is the meal at needle not filling enough so a 2nd meal is needed elsewhere? or just out of convenience and style ?


:rofl::joy: no its one of those inside (FTC) baseball jokes. I won’t even attempt to explain maybe someone else wants to.

edit: I <3 autocorrect


Mauve is inexplicable.


Both restaurants have enough food on their menu to fill an army, but it’s proper etiquette to go to them back-to-back for bang bang. :crazy_face:

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A bang bang with PRD would have been perfect!!!


Okay I’ll explain since the meme is about me……

So Needle and PRD. I am a fan of both places. You can see my review way back when Needle opened in its first few months. I bang bang PRD with Needle. So that’s a little backstory about the meme.

Okay so we once had a very respected foodie from the Bay Area on here @beefnoguy and is quite known on Yelp/Chowhound for being a wealth of knowledge particularly with Chinese and Japanese cuisine. He is a HK’er I believe.

So beefnoguy makes a trip down to So Cal and eats Needle’s dinner. He writes a review here……

So me knowing that beefnoguy loves Cantonese and myself also loving Cantonese……I tell beefnoguy the now famous line….

“A bang bang with PRD would have been perfect……”

Well he didn’t like that at all. I will leave it just like that.

So occasionally FTC’ers will throw that line out sometimes when speaking about Needle/PRD and sometimes not. You can add a bang bang with ______would have been perfect to pretty much anything. You do see some common bang bangs here like Tire Shop x Holbox.

I do think the actual bang bang with Needle/PRD should be a challenge or a thing.


I think it would be hard not to fill up at Needle unless you held back from ordering.

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I didn’t realize it was possible for @J_L or @PorkyBelly to be full… :grin:


Yeah there are people on this board with seemingly superhuman capacity.

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Oh I’m quite aware. By city-wide, I meant every restaurant in the city: not just the Asian spots already doing it.

Looks great. What are the dishes? :slightly_smiling_face: