Quarter Sheets Pizza Club

Depends on the ppl I can eat over one pizza of quarter sheets since I love it so much lol.

If we are talking about bad qpr I think the cakes are even worse they range between 10-15 dollars per slice which are standard size. Pretty expensive imo but they are so damn good.


Lol. I can too but 3 slices leaves me satiated.

The service charge is only on to-go orders?

IIRC, there’s no service charge. It’s gratuity…not that there’s any difference if you tip 20%.

In California, if the charge is set by the restaurant and added to the bill automatically, it’s a service charge and they must change sales tax, but if it’s a gratuity it is (by definition) at the customer’s discretion, there’s no sales tax, none if it can go to managers or the business, and if paid by credit card a percentage is subject to income tax withholding.

Yeah I hear you. I guess this veers into the old/new debate of tipping for service when dining in vs. tipping for take-out in the Web 2.0 Era. I’ll be honest I didn’t tip 20% for take-out before there was a button on an app that shamed me into it or a service fee added it to my order through a website. I still dont know if getting take-out is worth that 20% markup that I would pay if I were eating in a restaurant. To @robert’s point it feels like a way for them to make a $43 pizza seem like it is $35. For me, $43 seems a little egregious.

This all has me nostalgic for the simpler days of coupon pizza. Back in the day my tastes shifted based on what arrived in the mailbox or what was printed on the back of a grocery receipt. A flyer came in the mail and it was either Domino’s, Pizza Hut or Round Table on Fridays. My parents were cheap, my palate was less discerning and I was damn happy. Ignorance is bliss I guess…and also affordable.


damn 44 bucks, is that the most expensive pizza in the city?


Spago had a $98 Australian black truffle pizza in July.

Think Apollonia Squares top out around $43


Plus 16% service fee = $49.88 before tax.

Why are there two prices for the same combo of the same size pie?


Sorry. It’s a scam. Not just this place but all these places that do this with all these fees and surcharges. I will never support these scams. Charge me a price. Include tip or not upfront, but the surcharges? Blow me.

Let’s add a utility surcharge
Insurance surcharge
Waste disposal surcharge
advertising surcharge
Internet subscriber charge
Sheet pan cleaning fee
Mold abatement surcharge
Transport From Pan To Box Fee
Pizza Box Forest Sustainability Fee

Where does it end?

PISS OFF. These are costs of doing business. I don’t give a flying fuck what your electric bill is. Charge me a price figure it out so that you pay your fucking electric bill and I get my pizza and can tip your employees.

BTW, your employees don’t work for me. I don’t need you to put the burden on me to pay your employees a fair wage. I’ll buy the pizza, you pay the employees a fair wage. I don’t give a craps ass what portion of the price I pay goes to pay them.

Jesus. @robert is 100% right.

Ok, I know everyone here hates me now.


You’re not wrong. Owners are so afraid of raising prices that they resort to this stuff


I prefer service compris, but I’m fine with service charges in lieu of tips. So long as the money all goes directly to employees (required by law in some places) such service charges are not part of gross receipts, so the restaurant doesn’t have to pay a percentage to the landlord.


I’m fine with that too. But this line item crap to “cover costs” should be built in to prices.

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I’m fine with surcharges for government mandates as well. Again it keeps the money that’s not going to the restaurant out of gross receipts.


I’m a pretty pro labor person but I agree with this take. As a customer my job is not to subsidize your employees wages that’s the owners job to figure out the economics of a business. Only caveat for me is a health care charge but that’s my own personal ideology.

Unless you remove a tip line I shouldn’t be paying for fees on top of fees on top of fees. I have no problem leaving a decent tip or paying a service fee if the fee goes directly to employees.

I also don’t love the take out tip line that has continued to be populated post Covid.


Uh, no, Covid is still the #3 cause of death in the US. Around 4-500 deaths a day.


Me, too!!


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Restaurant surcharges & service charges: threat or menace?

Did a test order double check that they didn’t ask for gratuity and now its called an “Operating Fee”, it is down to 7% and gratuity is optional. Seems like surge pricing was in effect when I ordered. Kinda shady.